

1.high / highly
high:“高”,比较具体 。highly:“高度地”,比较抽象 。例如:
例709:He can jump very high. (他能跳得高 。)
例710:He was highly thought of. (他深受赞誉 。)
2.deep / deeply
deep:“深”,比较具体 。deeply:“深深地”,比较抽象 。例如:
例711:Still water runs deep. (静水流深 。)
例712:We were deeply moved. (我们深受感动 。)
3.wide / widely
wide:宽,大 。widely:广泛地 。例如:
例713:The fox lay dead,with its mouth wide open. (张大嘴巴)
例714:The Chinese language is widely used. (广泛使用)
4.late / lately
late:晚,迟 。lately:最近 。例如:
例715:He came home late last night.
例716:Have you heard from him lately?
5.hard / hardly
hard:努力 。hardly:几乎不 。例如:
例717:Work hard,and you’ll succeed.
例718:We can hardly imagine that.
6.near / nearly
near:在附近 。nearly:几乎 。例如:
例719:I live near.(我住在附近 。)
例720:Nearly 1,000 people were trapped in the fire. (将近有一千人被困大火中 。)
7.close / closely
close:靠近 。closely:紧紧地,密切地 。例如:
例721:Come close to me. (请靠近我 。)
例722:Watch him closely. (请密切关注他 。)
8.free / freely
free:免费,自由地 。freely:自如地 。例如:
例723:The show was arranged to admit free the students from Senior III.
(安排高三学生入内免费参观展览 。)
例724:He can communicate freely with the native speakers. (他能与当地人自如交谈 。)
9.most / mostly
most:最,相当 。mostly:大多数 。例如:
例725:Lesson One is a most difficult lesson. (第一课很难 。)比较:
例726:They are mostly visiting scientists. (他们大多是来访的科学家 。)
10.just / justly
just:刚刚,仅仅,正好 。justly:公正地 。例如:
例727:I’ve just arrived.
例728:I want to be treated justly. (我需要公正对待 。)
11.a little / a bit
用作副词词组时,a little和a bit都有“一点儿”的意思,都可以直接修饰形容词或副词 。用作形容词词组时,a little可以直接修饰不可数名词,a bit则必须先加介词of,再加不可数名词;not a little与not a bit的意思相反,前者是“非常”的意思,后者则是“一点儿也不”的意思,分别相当于very much和not at all 。例如:
例729:I’m feeling a little / a bit nervous.
例730:There is still a little / a bit of water left in the jar. (形容词性)
例731:—Are you feeling hungry? (饿吗?)
—Not a bit,for I’ve just had a rich meal. (不饿,刚吃过大餐 。)
—Not a little,it’s high time we had lunch. (很饿,早该吃午餐了 。)
例732:He was not a little tired,so he fell asleep the moment his head touched the pillow.
(他很累,所以一躺下就睡着了 。)
例733:After climbing the mountain,he was a little / a bit thirsty,but not a bit tired.
(爬山后,他有点渴,但一点也不累 。)
12.ago / before
ago:在……以前 。指从此刻起若干时间以前,通常与过去时态连用 。例如:
例734:It happened two days ago.
before:在……以前 。指从那时起若干时间以前,通常与过去完成时态连用 。例如:
例735:He said that he had seen her two days before.
此外,before 也可以泛指以前,与完成时态或过去时态连用 。例如:
例736:I’ve never heard of such a man before.
例737:I met him somewhere before.

