will|A Ranking or a Laughing Stock? – A No.1 that will go down in history( 三 )

Experts worry that the lack of monitoring data will cause blind spots and lead to a false sense of security. Bloomberg's ranking brings a false sense of security to Americans while serving the vanity of American politicians.
It's not just Bloomberg that is going against the professional ethics and moral fiber of the industry. American and Western media take a fair share of the politicization of the pandemic, putting false labels and pouring dirty water to China and scapegoating China for the origin of the virus. They also discredit China's achievemenst in epidemic control and cover the issues of Hong Kong and Xinjiang through a "dark filter". They create conspiracy theories out of nowhere and quote people out of context...
So now it seems obvious that Bloomberg is not afraid of losing its readers after all, otherwise it wouldn't publish such "fair" and "objective" ranking.
“I would say it’s not the fairest”, said US epidemiologist Eric Ding. “The ranking gives extra weight to countries that have minimal restrictions, as opposed to countries that have most successfully contained the virus and most successfully allowed people to live their lives after they’ve contained the virus, and that’s the problem of the index”.
But there is a much bigger problem than the ranking itself.
Think about it, how could this problematic ranking with constantly changing metrics be introduced to mainstream American society without even feeling the slightest shame?
Maybe a Gallup poll in June can help explain a bit. According to the poll, most Americans now believe the “most severe problem” in the country is its “government”, rather than the “pandemic”.
Problems in the American society keep popping up – a severe pandemic, failed COVID responses, rampant gun violence and racial discrimination... to name but a few. Some scholars use the phrase “political decline” to describe the US today. The term was first proposed by American scholar Samuel Huntington to explain the chaos and disorder of some emerging countries, but it is used today by his student Francis Fukuyama to describe the US.
Accompanying the political decline is the resurgence of anti-intellectualism in the US, and the two are reinforcing each other. Conspiracy theories and anti-scientific notions are affecting more and more people in the US. People with ulterior motives are fueling anti-intellectualism in the pretense of spreading “knowledge”, and they are fanning the flame while making sizable personal gains.
In contrast to the political decline and anti-intellectualism, some in the US are obsessed with “leading the world”. Barack Obama used to say that the US would lead the world for another 100 years. Under Donald Trump’s “America First”, the US withdrew from multilateral mechanisms and nullified international agreements. President Joe Biden went on record saying “China will not surpass the US as global leader on my watch”.
Missing the “No.1" position seems an unbearable loss for the US, maybe that’s why it has vigorously suppressed China and Russia, and engaged in a series of actions that deviate from the trend of world peace and development.
With this in mind, it’s not surprising that Bloomberg came up with such a hilarious ranking.
After all, people’s well-being matters more than what position a country gets from a ranking. China’s rapid and effective response and lockdowns have brought the epidemic under control within a few months after its breakout. Confirmed cases and deaths are far lower than those in the US; Thanks to normalization of economic activities, China was the only major economy that saw positive growth in 2020. During the May 1 holiday this year, the country registered a total of 230 million domestic travels, up by 119.7% against the same period last year, and on a comparable basis, it recovered to 103.2% of the same period before the epidemic, making China the envy of the world. On July 15, China released its semi-annual report on economic performance. In the first half of 2021, China’s GDP grew by 12.7% year-on-year, continuing the steady and sound growth momentum. Even the Bloomberg’s forecast shows that China’s GDP will grow by 8.5% in 2021, far exceeding the US (6.6%) and other countries.

