will|A Ranking or a Laughing Stock? – A No.1 that will go down in history( 二 )

Bloomberg has clearly made a ridiculous decision by putting the US No. 1 on the global ranking.
It has constantly adjusted the metrics of the COVID Resilience Ranking over the past half a year. To push the US all the way to the very top, Bloomberg ignores the most important parameters of confirmed infections and deaths – on the contrary, it has tailor-made a new parameter called "reopening process", covering 4 sub-parameters of "people covered by vaccines", "lockdown severity", "flight capacity" and "vaccinated travel routes".
Currently the vaccination rate of the US stands at below 70%, and the efficacy rate is far behind the 90% level previously claimed. After the whole nation is vaccinated with US-produced doses, the pandemic is taking yet another swipe recently in Israel. Official studies of the Israeli authorities found that the efficacy rate of American vaccines stands only at 64%, far below the 90% it claims. The rebounds in the US and other countries taking American-produced vaccines attests to the fact that the parameters selected by Bloomberg are one-sided and misleading.
The ranking puts lockdown measures and entry/exit control policies as negative factor, showing no respect for basic facts, science and human lives.
The truth is it's precisely because the US failed in practicing lockdowns and some anti-intellectuals challenged lockdown rules with stupid acts that the US is leading in infections and deaths.
And it's precisely because of the "openness" of the country that the US is now the No. 1 source of infection in this global pandemic.
Between April 2020 and March 2021, the US reported a total of 23.195 million outbound travels via land and air routes. Between November 2020 and January 2021, when the US was hit the hardest with an average 186,000 daily infections, the country was registering an average of 87,000 daily outbound travels, reaching also the peak level, and the two curves coincide with each other in a striking manner.
Seventy percent of the infections in Israel have their virus strains imported from the US. Among South Korea's 7,000 imported cases, 30% were from the US. Between February 2020 and early January 2021, the US exported 182 infections to New Zealand, second only to the UK. According to statistics released by the Australian Government Department of Health in May 2020, 14% of its over 6,000 cases were imported from the US.
The massive repatriation of illegal immigrants by the US has worsened the COVID-19 situation of Latin American countries. Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico and Haiti have all reported a large number of cases among US repatriates. Disregarding local COVID-19 rules, American soldiers stationed in Japan and South Korea also spread the disease to a larger population.
This type of "openness" is fueling the spread of the disease. It's a disgraceful act that undermines global public health.
Bloomberg is lying blatantly to the whole world by putting the US on top of its COVID Resilience Ranking.
A ranking that goes completely against facts and public perception could be introduced by a Western media outlet self-claiming to be fair and objective, this is in violation the professional ethics and moral fiber of the industry. Western communication scholars believe that the media should serve as "gatekeepers" and "watchdogs" of the society. But Bloomberg's "COVID Resilience Ranking" is apparently ruining the reputation of Western media among readers.
While releasing the rankings, Bloomberg also published an article entitled "The Best and Worst Places to Be as The World Finally Reopens", concluding that the US would be the safest place to go after the pandemic. This is unscrupulous, if not ridiculous. It's precisely because the US attempts to reopen and go back to normal that the Delta variant is spreading so broadly in the country. Now more than half of the newly infected are carrying the Delta variant, in some states it's even as high as 97%. The situation is so severe that 20 US states have suspended their daily COVID-19 updates.

