" Ji Bei Li Zhi"House, 1957, oneand one print
, there are poems and poems, such as " of Tang Caizi, TangSign, Lishi Poem Lishi Ci, Lie, Ci Lin , and Poems", which wereinChina. , such as "The 's , Broth , Drama, and Novel ", have not beenfor a long time.
Most of this set of books are(some arein one ), small 32 open,bound, small and ,of . It's just that it's a long time ago, and it's not easy to find a goodbook.
"West Lake Tour", "West Lake Tour" 1958ofBook
c, ten kinds of
2、 Book
Bookis a "time- brand" in thebook. It wasintheof theof China. After theof the 'sof China, - , and the. Themoved to . It alsoon. It was only after 1958 that it wasas ahouse forbooks. (Note:BookandBookare not the same, theisin 1-1).
Bookis good atbooks ofand . It has"-FourinBooks", "Newly-of Zhuzi", "Four Books", " Notesof Past ", """ Theof books such as " Notes " are ofand have been well-known in theworld for many years. As for theofbooks in the area of ?? , Ithink thatbooks arein terms of "Bieji", andBookis good at " ".
Study andTangand Song Ci, "Quan Tang Poems" and "Quan Song Ci" areone of the most. These two large books werebyBookin the 1960s and are in. Among them, " Tang Poems" is anbook of the Qing , firstin 1965, theisinto 12 thick , and 2600were ; it wasin 1979, and theare all 25 thin , and thishas beento this day. (In , in 1982, the"TheTang Poems" by Mr. Wangand , and Mr. Chen 's " Tang Poems" in 1992, which can bewith "TheTang Poems".)
"Quan Tang Wen" can beas theof the whole Tang . BothBookandBooks have(theare infonts). (In 2005, Mr. Chen 's "to Tang " was also .)
The "Quan Song Ci" is a newof the nearMr. Tang . 's Notes"), firstin 1965,in, 5in , 3,800,after 1980, and new post-printadded "Index". ("Quan Song Ci" also has a Hong KongBookin the 1970s. It iswith acover, and thepaper is good, but it is rare.)
In , the firstof "Quan Jin Yuan Ci"by Mr. Tang in 1979 can beas apiece to "Quan Song Ci". Mr. Tang alsoa "Cihua ", the firstin 1986,,5 ,3500(there is aof "Index"). Inyears, aofhave been , such as " of Cihua ", " " and "".
"Fiveof the Tang " has two :BookandBooks. TheBookswasby Mr. Zhang Zhang and . It was firstin 1986 and has a. TheBookwasby Mr. Zengand . , 2in . The twomorewords ( to the book , which islater andto be , which is more in-depth in ).
" Tang Poems " ( byBookin 1992)
Into poems,Bookalso has " Sanqu",by Mr. Sui , firstin 1964,,2 ,in 1350 . (Mr. Sui has alsoaof operasuch as " Works of Yuan Opera", " ", "Newof Yuefu", "Yuefu Qunyu" and " Yuefu".)
再谈谈重要的文学总集《昭明文选》和《文苑英华》,《文选》排印本通行的是上海古籍的“中国古典文学丛书”版,点校本6册 。影印本则由中华书局出版(李善注本1977年出版,六臣注本1987年出版,都是平装3册后改精装),此外还有一种“文革大字本”,1974年影印宋尤褒刻本,线装本,分装4函20册,比较少见 。
《文苑英华》等四大类书,亦由中华书局按古本影印,《文苑英华》1966年初版,16开精装6册,印2000部;初印本每册都带有纸函套,后印本无 。《太平广记》则是汪绍楹先生点校本,人民文学出版社1959年初版,繁体竖排,精装5厚册,印2000部;1961年起改为中华书局印行,精装平装均为10薄册,此版不断重印至今 。唐人小说总集最近又有新辑本《全唐五代小说》、《唐五代传奇集》等 。
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