It can be seen that thesign and the 24 solar terms are the same thing, but the time span is . They allthein theof the sunto the earth (or thein the ). Nohow the sun movesto the other , itsto the Earththe same. So,havethat on theplane in the real , the suna total of 13(the new). But this does notthein ,as said at the , thea pure sign from theit is , and hasto do with thein .
The()in thisare known inas "sun signs"thesigns usedthe orbit of the sun ( to the Earth). Thistheto theof a 's birth date on this orbit. In , there are "moon signs" and " signs" in . That'sthe moon ( to the earth) also has an orbit (about 30 days for one ), so a 's date of birth also has aon the (moon) orbit, and theto thatis"moon " . , each day can also beintoparts,to the, and the " "to thethat is about to rise at theof birth,from theto the . It's the "". In fact, these threeto the "month", "day" and "hour" in the(year, month, day and hour). It is easy tofrom this point of view.
So, here comes the point. Now we know that thisthe "sun ", and thebased on6 is alsoto theof the sun. Is this just a ? I don't think so," 1" in the first half of thisalsoat "Sun Signs", but there is noto speak of. ,open your brain holes with me.with theof "wave" in the text, Iguess: if a 'sisto "sun " (such as "table 2"), it isby the sun () . So, if the sameisto the "moon sign", is itby the moon ()? (By the way, someon thehas aof " tidal force", I think thisbefrom theof "moon ",thetides and the moon is morethan the sun. In , tides are also a kind of waves). In the same way, if it isto the " ", will it beby theof the earth?
Since the sun and moonon human , it isthat otherin the solaralsoon human . Of , I think the sun, the moon and the earthplay a major role. Thosewho think theirsign is a false one after"Table 2" (based on "Sun Sign") areto have a"Sun Sign" than "Moon Sign" or " Sign." Theofmay bethat makes "Table 2"(if theof this paper is true, then thethefrom thefromtimes to the ).
As I said in the main text, since the earth and humanon earth are a (very tiny) part of the , the / of theand theof human , as well as theof human brain /gift, must be There is some kind of .太阳,月球,地球,以及太阳系中的其它行星,再加上遗传因素都有可能参与到影响人类天赋的行列中,使得人类性格和天赋呈现多样性和多面性,并远远超出本文所能概括的范围 。可惜的是,由于缺少相关数据,要验证这个“星球叠加影响”的猜想是非常困难的 。而且这里面包括了许多其它相关的猜想,比如,“月亮星座”是否与潮汐有关?这几大星球是否以“波”的方式对人类施加影响?它们分别对人类的影响力是如何此消彼长的?至于这些星球是否如星相学中所说都带有一定的意义,比如,太阳代表外在,月亮代表内在,等等?这也需要数据来验证 。
其实,我在一开始研究时,并没有意识到会有南北半球的差异 。计算的结果都是基于全球的数据(见表一) 。但由于数据中北半球的样本占了大多数,还是可以大致看出波的形状,所以才有了前文所有的结果(基于北半球数据)和猜想 。那么,基于南半球数据的结果如何呢?
如图A所示,正如和猜想地一样,任凭“天翻地覆”,白羊宫与天秤宫依旧“岿然不动” 。而且,与北半球(图六)正好相反,白羊宫与天秤宫之间的5个宫的平均分只有-0.07分,而天秤宫后5个宫的平均分高达0.1分,两者之差异于零的显著性达85%(t检验) 。由于南半球的数据不多,可能会造成结果出现误差,所以我不打算对结果做详细分析,只要大家明白南北半球存在差异就行了 。另外,如果上文的猜想成立,那么赤道上的胎儿应该没有倾斜 。它们在夏至和冬至时受到的影响一样,且较春分,秋分两点来得弱 。但总体仍应该呈现出波的形状 。如果有数据进行验证就完美了,呵呵 。
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