组图 徽州春节民俗徽州的“徽”民俗民风民俗( 五 )

晚上,炉子上会端上12个寿桃饺子,代表一年中的12个月 。祭完灶后,到外面去烧灶神旧像,意思是送灶神上天 。【历下节】传统节日 。立夏,城乡都有吃苎叶、鸡蛋、蚕豆、豌豆、称量人的习俗 。苎麻叶炭是用野生苎麻叶汁和糯米粉加糖蒸制而成 。俗称苎麻叶,具有清凉解毒的功效,食用可防痱子、痱子 。苎麻叶谭,又名立夏苎麻,有句俗语说吃了立夏谭,种地就赶时间 。吃鸡蛋时,把鸡蛋滚下门槛,让孩子捡起来吃,这意味着孩子可以像鸡蛋一样经受住敲打,容易长胖,夏天也不错 。吃嫩蚕豆或豌豆,吃鲜笋,吃糯米肉,叫尝新,盼好年 。The scale man is to see how muchhas beenor lost after a ,it isor not.are taboo to weigh 100 jins. If oneis too full, it will be . If themeet theof100 jins, they will over- or under-. [Nian Ji]. There areinNew Year, one is not to speak ill; two is not to break cups, bowls and ; three is not to; four is to avoidthe floor; White, blue, green, blue,and other .is bad luck, and there will be ,and otherthis year. 【Wipe your ass】Nian . After the New Year's Eve , theeachtook a small piece ofpaper and wiped their lipswhen theirwere not, which wasthe . It means to erase all thewords they have saidthe year. [ Boat ]fair. Inorof a leap year in the lunar , it is held on theRiver in ,, alater than the .
组图 徽州春节民俗徽州的“徽”民俗民风民俗
Theboat is a pair of twoboats in , and theis .andare used,with gauze, and tied into, , , , , etc., andareandon the boat. There are six pairs ofboats, lined up for a tour.theboat is the music boat,by gongs and drums. At the same time, aofwas held on the shore, andsat insedan , or rodelions,, and there wereof them. [ ]. On the night of the Mid- ,can go to the field to pick some , , corn, etc. for free. What you touch can only bewith your hands, not in aor bag, which meansfor an omen andyour luck. Forgreen beans,and other hairyand , no onethem, andthem means bad luck. Someamelon,it as a child's face, put on , andit into the .2:1, theIntimes, theinwas , and thewaslow. TheofThe lack of aofand thethatthem. To the ,wasand ,them think of theworldthem,that there areand, and they canthe . , which made thetheof , and their minds were full offear ofand . , in order toand ,have to use the power of gods to fightand,for theandof gods. Based on 'sof , afor theof,andgods and najis came into being.
In 's , the Nuo god canand , blessand. The Nuo god hastheandforto seek , and hasan idolby . The Qimen Nuo dance " " is theheld by theofto break out of theworld,and earth, andlight and . Goodfor, good ,crops,ofand , and peace and . In theand heavymusic, thewere , , andto the whole . With a loud noise, it was as if the sky was torn apart, the crowdand. Nuo gods withaxes in their handsup and. At this time, the dancewereand , and the wholeaand high- scene. In theof Nuo dance,danceto beand . Theareinskins, and the maleare naked, their upper body iswith vine , and the lower body iswithskins. In order to show the ,andof the , it givesa rough and rough,and , and has aof power. The Qimen Nuo dance mask isand ,in , rough in shape,in lines, ,in color,in , and . The mask of the Nuo god is theof the god, a tool totheof ,and gods, and the soul of ,and gods. A mask is a god, a ghost, a, and many masksaandworld ofand gods.
the Nuo maskswith, we can peek at theand folkof thein . 2.Laba: Theday of thelunar month is the Laba , and it isthe " month of the lunar ", hence the name. As soon as "Laba" is over and theis , everyhas to clean the house dust from the day of Laba. Labais to be eaten that day, and the area,andis also sun-dried tofu, which is"Laba tofu". After Laba, everybegan tothe New Year's pigs, and theyeach other to eat pig- wine, wraprice , make rice , fry oil tofu, stir-fry , broad beans, and makecandy,rice candy, etc. It is alsofortotheon this day, so there is a folk song: "Laba Laba is a good day, how many auntsto -in-law". New Year's Eve: The - day of the 12th lunar month,known as "New Year's Eve". Late the night , everyto the stove," East Chef's Life Stove Lord" to thetoa ,known as "stove the stove". I pray that Lord Zao will say more goodin front of the Jade , and bless theof theand . On this day of the small year,ofare hung in front of everyhall. Set upandcases, set up , andto come home for the New Year. From this day on, everythe ,andthe ,away the dust, andthe New Year . New Year's Eve: Thegoes, "in a hurry, the firstin ".a New Year's Eveandoff aatis not muchfrom other .: On the first day of the new year,wears new . Thepays New Year'sto the ,pays New Year'sto theirin turn, andto each other among their peers. On this day, payto , do not useand , do not useand , do not fry in pots (avoidnoise), do not stick to , do notwater on the door, do not break cups, bowls and , and do not beat or scold .

