Talk to me softly.温柔地与我交谈 。
There's something in Ur eyes!你眼中有千言万语!
【枪花的《Don\t】Don't hang Ur head in sorrow不要低头悲伤 。
And please don't cry!也请不要哭泣!
I know how you feel inside我知道你心里的感受 。
I've been there before我也曾经和你一样 。
Somethin's changin' inside you!你心中已起了变化!
And don't you know?难道你不知道?
Don't you cry tonight!今夜不要哭泣!
I still love U baby!宝贝我仍然爱你!
Don't U cry tonight!今夜不要哭泣!
Don't U cry tonight!今夜不要哭泣!
There's a heaven above you baby!宝贝,天堂就在你头上!
And don't U cry tonight!今夜不要哭泣!
Give me a whisper.在我耳边轻轻细语 。
And give me a sigh.在我耳边轻轻叹息 。
Before U tell me goodbye! 分手之前!
Don't U take it so hard now!现在不要难过!
And please don't take it so bad!也不要觉得遗憾!
I'll still B thinkin' of U!我仍然会想起你!
And the times we had...baby.及我们共度的时光,宝贝!
And don't U cry tonight!今夜不要哭泣!
Don't U cry tonight!今夜不要哭泣!
Don't U cry tonight!今夜不要哭泣!
There's a heaven above you baby!宝贝,天堂就在你头上!
And don't U cry tonight!今夜不要哭泣!
And please remember!请记住!
That I never lied!我从来不撒谎!
And please remember!也请记住!
How I felt inside now,honey!我内心的感受,亲爱的!
U gotta make it Ur own way!你必须用自己的方法解决!
But U'll be alright now sugar!但你会没事的,甜心!
U'll feel better tomorrow!你明天会好起来!
Come the morning light now baby!天将破晓了,宝贝!
And don't U cry tonight!今夜不要哭泣!
And don't U cry tonight!今夜不要哭泣!
And don't U cry tonight!今夜不要哭泣!
There's a heaven above U baby!宝贝,天堂就在你头上!
And don't U cry!不要哭泣!
Don't U ever cry不要再哭泣
Don't U cry tonight!今夜不要哭泣!
Baby maybe someday.可能在某一天 。
Don't U cry!不要哭泣!
Don't U ever cry!不要再哭泣!
Don't U cry!不要哭泣!
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