风水大起大落,大起大落,字里行间的意思 。夫脉有阴有阳,故有起伏 。阴经常见于外,即浮,阳经常退于内,即下沉 。大多数地理学家观察脉搏,就像医生摸脉搏一样 。良医摸脉阴阳服药,好风水师观龙浮沉定穴 。三阴自生而生,阴根在阳,所以阴经一定要上小下大,出入也一定要尖 。三阳出土,阳根根于阴,故阳经必上大下小,出也必圆 。因此,观察脉象是有用的:口尖为阴者,其脉浮于表面;圆口者皆为阳,脉沉于内 。推而广之,凸脉浮,凹脉深,细脉浮,粗脉重,高脉低,脉低脉重 。以此法则,可得阴阳之理 。
风水之浅与深,浅与深皆准 。If theand deep are , then Feng Shui will be self-, so themust be based on theand deep. If thebeand deep, the qi will pass from the top; if thebe deep and , the qi will pass from the .it can get, it will not work.这就是原因 。Dafan firstthe yin and yang of the veins, and then looks at theof the Four . If the pulsethe head and is , forms apoint, and the exit is round, this means that the pulse isand the point is , so itbe . Thethe head is weak, theis , and the exit is . The pulse is deep and theis yin, so itbe deep. , there is athat theand the deep can be used, and Feng Shui is self-. Theand deepare , but theismore than that. It istothe yin and yang of theandin the head and , if it is deep and , if it isand deep, if theisa few , it will be bad luck. Thesay: Theof theis the same as the.
Theof the feng shui of the yin house
Theof Feng Shui, theof the , theandof it. Theandhave their own spare parts, but what is the one whotheand ? This also means the ebb and flow of yin and yang. Theofandisbased on the first . When thefirst, thewill beand the tiger will be . The cave must be on the left. If the Tigerfirst, the tiger will beand thewill be , and its cave must beon the right. Dafan, must beandits Qi is , the left side of thetakesas the head, and the right water must passtheto break the lock, which isYin ; The left side of the waterthelock is , which is theyang lock yin gate. Only whentheandthe water, it is good tothe gate and the lock; if the waterthe , it is good tothe gate andthe lock. ,it is awrong, itsandare very .
Theof feng shui of Yin house and
Feng Shui'sandare also words of . In the way of the world, good and evilgood and evil. Itbe all good, there must be evil in the ; it isto be all good, and there must be evil. , what youmust be . In this case, you must seek good luck and avoid evil, and go to evilof good. The same goes for(feng shui).andcan’t be , and purecan’t be free of. If it can’t be free of, then theis ugly, and it’s alsofor ears. , theofandare , and theare. Somelook down and look ugly, look high and look good; or look at the left as , and look at the right as a woman; then lose.
Theof feng shui of Yin house
The feng shui cut is made, and the cut is made of its . Madam, if there is noand no cause, andand man do not exist, there is a , and there areand . Thedoes not , and the use does not . It must be bornand then . , theofandis in the sky, and theofandis in . If it is too much, it will befor its . If it is not done, it will be less . If it is too much, it will make up for its , and the loss will be high. Theisbut the skill of , the tool ofpower, andit is to seize the magic power,the , and the human being is the same as the sky. , goodmake use ofit; badstick to , and they do not know what it is. , the Tao is not in vain, itin the .
Theof Feng Shui in Yin House
Theof feng shui, thewhoit,of the way of . The way ofwords, good , goodand evil , all are . Thegoes: Yin is not as good as the heart, this is theof good words and . , those who seek the land must be based on theof . If theis , thewillto it withland, and itswill shade their . If theof their evil are , they willrepay them withand bring harm to their .the heart is theof qi, and qi is theof .does nothave a heart for , buthave one heart and one qi, and they arewith each other. Guo : good and bad sense,and . Theofbe, but if theis not , but only theis at the end, there will be fewwho will notthe , not totheof their .
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