8、猴子遇上老虎 , 心被堵住 , 所以要注意与虎年出生的人发生冲突;
9、猴子不喜欢猪 , 所以要注意伤害猪年出生的人 。
10、猴吉位 , 因为沉梓晨的吉位在你 , 而财运也是吉位 , 所以你的西边是吉位 。
猴子的幸运标志:西方 。所以 , 开在开位的花 , 会有大吉大利!
1、鸡遇龙更旺 。可以放在东南方向 。能爬龙山 , 玩龙灯 , 能寻龙贵人;
2、鸡遇到蛇就活得好好的 。可在东南置蛇 , 到蛇岛 , 养蛇 , 蛇年寻贵人;
3、鸡遇牛就是牛 , 牛放在东北 , 可以爬牛山 , 放牛 , 找到牛的贵人;
4、鸡遇到饭就更开心了 。他们可以放稻谷 , 秋天去农场 , 参与更多的农业劳动;
5、鸡遇豆更长寿 , 可以放黄豆 , 秋天去农场 , 多参与农业劳动;
6、鸡富含粮 , 长得长 , 所以可以放很多粮食 , 秋天去农场 , 多参与农业劳动;
7、吉峪山有靠山 , 可以放盆景靠山 , 多爬取气;
8、鸡遇家人 , 可以发财 , 可以放婴儿花瓶 , 多接触与家有关的物品;
9、鸡遇兔不思发财 , 注意与兔年生的人发生冲突;
10、小鸡的开仓位 , 因为四友仇的开仓位是中午 , 开仓位也是开仓位 , 所以正午面朝南就是开仓位 。
公鸡的幸运位置:南方 。所以 , 开在开位的花 , 会有大吉大利!
1、狗遇到兔子就能发财 。It can put aor a money . In the due east, you can raiseand find noblewhoto the year of the ;
2、When the dog meets the horse , you can set the horse, put it in the due south, you can go to Ma', raise , and findwhoto ;
3、The dog is morewhen itthe tiger. It can set the tiger and the cat, and set it in the due east. It can go toand find the nobleof the tiger year;
4、When a dogawith a noble , he can set up the Eighttohis anger, , and good luck in his ;
5、Dog Yuxi isand can putand trees toanger, joy and good luck in ;
6、Gou Yujia can make a , you can put baby vases and touch more - ;
7、Dogs meetandwith each other, paytowith ;
8、A dogain bad luck.ofborn in the year of the .
9、When the dog bites the dog, paytowith the dog ;
10、Theof the dog,theofis in Mao, theis also the, so theof Mao is the east is the.
The lucky bit of the dog: East. , thethat bloom in thewill have great luck!
Ten二、Pigtheirin ten ways
1、Pigs arehappy when they meet . They can set upand cats. In the , they can go toand findwhoto the tiger year;
2、Pigs can get rich when they meet , they can set upand money , in the due east, raiseand find noblewhoto the year of the ;
3、Pigs are morewhen they meet sheep. You can place sheep andin the . You can raise sheep and findin the year of sheep;
4、When a pig meets a , it caninto a , and can set a . In the , you can climb, play with, and findto the ;
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