图 八字格局中的一气专旺格——稼穑格( 七 )

born in theare often prone toin terms of . So what about the fate ofborn in the ? Is it good to be born in the ? Let's take a look at the fateabout thebirth.
Not yet
Is it good to be born in the ? The fate of those born in theis
What time is it?
In the , also known as the sun, also known as the sun, the sun, etc.: the sun isfor the sun. ( time 13:00-15:00).
Is it good to be born in the ?
For those who are born in the , the fate test ofis often the type ofthat is firm on theand soft on the , rich in inner world, veryin , , ain doing , butand ,for the mind of manyand .
Aof the fate of those born in the :
For those who are born in the ,-net -thatare oftenin love, and there is nooris . It is easy to lose peaceand wife. Good luck in the .
on the fate of those born in the :
Those who were born in the early days of thehave both , sixloss, Fu 's life,comes and goes, andarelate.
who were born in theof ,the , and live a life of .
For those born at the end of the , thewillthe , and the -will free - to match a wife and ask for gold and stone, so that they can grow old , there are not many -aged , and they will be free fromin their later years.
Born in the
Men who were born in thetend to be bold in their love , but they arevery shy . The love model is a bit old-.
【图 八字格局中的一气专旺格——稼穑格】Forwho were born in the , theofis that they are moreto each other and not too self-. Love is alsolow-key.

