Women with moles in the tear hall areto have many tears in this life,tears,. This teargrows for the love in your life, it will , grow, anddry up. The cry is Your love in this life, what hurts is the love in the next life. If you can'tthis love in the next life, then the tears willyouand wait with you until one day he will find your pain.
There is also a: tear moles are theof tears . The dark red color is numb andin a deep . Tear moles aregaps. Superfree - net fateiswhen the loverhim and cried, the tears fell on his face anda mark, which was used for theafter three lives.with tear moles, once they meet the, they will not befor a , until they pass awayand . And he will repay the tears of thelife for each other!
Tear moles, there is no right to cry, theof theright now, thethatcan't tell is so real. Mole of tears, the markon theStone, the trace that evencan't erase. The free -the fate ofwith tear moles,in the past life and death, when the loverhim and cried, the tearson the face anda mark, which was used for theafter three lives. Once awith a tear mole meets the, they will befor the rest of their lives, until each other's body and mind pass away, and he will also repay the tears of thelife for each other.
What do you mean? What is Dong Si Ming? In Yin-Yang ,into eight types ofto theof , and in ,are alsointo eight types of fate, which can also beup as the fourandfates. Let's learn more about the EastLife with the eight- -of the - and.
East Four Lives
What are you going to do
born inyears have their own best ways to get angry.areinto eight livesto the year of birth (from theofto theof the next year), and they areto . Zhen, Xun, Li and Kanto the fourfates, while Kun, Dui, Qian, and Gento the fourfates.
Those with four lives in the east go to the fourin the east, and those with four lives in the west go with the fourin the west. Those with four lives in the eastmatch the fourin the west, and those with four lives in the westmatch those with four lives in the east. , life and homebe mixed.
Theofthe fate of men and women is . Theforthe fate of women is:4 from the last 2of the birth year, and thenby 9 tothe . Theformale life is: 100 minus the last twoof the year of birth, thenby 9 to get the .
to the , check your ownto thetable:
Oneto Kan, twoto Kun, threeto Zhen, fourto Xun, sixto Gan, sevento Dui, eightto Gen, and nineto Li.
East four fates of good and bad for all
Anger is in the south,is in the ,is in the north,is in the east,is in the , six evilare in the , fiveare in the , and death is in the west.
Anger is in the north,is in the east,is in the south,is in the ,is in the , the six evilare in the west, the fiveare in the , and death is in the .
Anger is in the east,is in the north,is in the ,is in the south,is in the , six evilare in the , fiveare in the west, and death is in the .
The anger is in the , theis in the south, theis in the east, theis in the north, theis in the west, the six evilare in the , the fiveare in the , and the death is in the .
to theof , it can beinto eight types ofsuch as "Dan, Dui, Li, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Gen and Kun", which can beinto two : "East Four " and "West Four ";Net-are alsointo eight fates, which can also beinto two : "East Four Fate" and "West Four Fate". Each type of house isinto eight , which arewith fourof "anger, fu-bit, , and", and eight,the fourof ", five , six evils, and death". 's .
"Four Lucky Stars": Angry - good , goodand .life - good ,and good .- Good , good ,from , andfrom . Fu- good ,luck,as usual. Is? The mostand free --of the "FourStars":-poor , manyand , anddeath. The five-again and again, poor , easy to. Six evils - bad , , and .-of,,and .
"East, , north, and south are the four, and , , west, andare the four bad ; while "West four " are just the , with , , west , Theis the four, and the east, , north, and south are the four bad . Then, the free -of Chinathe mainareas oftypes ofin the east and west. If youto be in the same place as your own, live with each other, andeach other, it will be good,it will be bad, and it willif you are not sick. event. For , aborn in 1998 has a kunaura in theandto the "West Four Lives", so he"West Four " to live in, and the bedsbein the , , west, The fourin thewill, , , and good luck,thewill be .
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