"" is a very broad word. myhas a longand has a lot ofandsense. What are somesense ofthat you know? Theare someaboutby the .to read them.
made byare" of "
The rich and the poor are
made inare" in "
made by , , andfun are" of wine and meat"
who have a bigin age,and deepare" who havethe year"
who met in ," of"
who have deepare" from theof the heart"
【50个传统文化小常识,你知道的有哪些吗?】call it "theof glue and paint"
who share life and death are" of life and death"
who are in love with each other are"the best "
who don'ttheireven if their heads areare"neck- "
who meet byare""
whoeach otherare" of "
I have only met once, andwho are not closeare"one-sided "
Crown:to a man who is 20 years old (also "weak crown")
Years of Birth:years old
The age of no :to the age of forty
The year of:to fifty years old (also " the ", "half ")
year: sixty years old
Old age:years old
Old age:to 八、90 years old
Year of Yi: 100 years old
[3] Small:
1、The nineof : brush , brush , tail , ,head,peaks,, brush ,and. Nineof.
2、The fourof theSong : Huang , Mi Fu, Suand Cai Xiang. The"Huang Mi Su Cai" has its own .
3、四种书法字体:颜真卿、欧阳询、刘公权、赵萌 。人们简称为燕体、欧体、刘体、赵体 。
4、 TenSongs:Songs "Three Lanes of Plum ", "HighandWater" in the pre-Qin , "Wild Goose" in the Ming , "Song"the Han and Wei , "House of"the Chu-Han War , "The 'sand "down, themusic of "Xiao Drum in the ", " Moon in the Han " in the Han , " " in theand, "HujiaShots" at the end of the Han . This is also theofmusic.
5、Four: Mount( City, Anhui), Mount Wutai (Wutai , ), Mount Putuo (, ), and Mount Emei ( City, ). It hasbeen a.
6、Four: Qiyun( , Anhui ),( City, Hubei ),( City,), and( City,). Theis a.
7、Four:peony,, Dali ,. Each has its ownand plays anrole in.
8、四大名绣:苏苏绣、湘绣、蜀绣、粤广绣 。中国传统刺绣工艺自古就闻名遐迩 。
9、四大名扇:浙江丝扇、江苏檀香扇、四川竹丝扇、广东火画扇 。中国古代扇文化是民族文化的一部分,具有深厚而源远流长的文化底蕴 。
10、四大名瓷窑:江西景德镇窑、福建德化窑、浙江龙泉窑、河北磁州窑 。中国瓷器自古以来就享誉世界 。
11、Fivekilns: Jun kiln- City, Henan, Ru kiln- , Henan, Guan kiln-, , Ding kiln- , , Hebei, Ge kiln- . Most are, and manyarein .
12、Four: " ", "Yin RuinsBone", "Ming and Qing ", "Juyan Han Slips". These fourhave greatvalue.
13、FourinOpera: Mei , Cheng , Xun , Shang . They are theof the four major artin my 'sOperaXing.
14、The Four Greatin : Tang Bohu, Wen , Zhu , Xu . He was also aand wise man at that time, so he wasby later .
15、Eight major: , Hunan, Anhui, , , ,and . These eight majoralso havelocaland are alsoby theas a genre of .
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