50个传统文化小常识,你知道的有哪些吗?( 二 )

16、Five : rice, , , wheat, and beans. The five food crops thathaveandfrom weeds are theof human .
17、Five : heart, liver, , lung, .firstthe humaninto five zang- and six fu-, andthethem totheof.
18、六符:胃、胆、三焦、膀胱、大肠、小肠 。
19、七情:喜、怒、哀、喜、爱、恶、欲 。七情六欲是人的心理反应和本能,中医可以从中研究人的身体健康 。
20、六欲:欲见、欲闻、欲闻、欲尝、欲触、欲触 。
21、五毒:蜈蚣、毒蛇、蝎子、壁虎、蟾蜍 。这五种动物虽然有毒,但都可以入药 。
22、五行:金、木、水、火、土 。五行是中国古代研究很多东西的一种哲学,也用于中医 。
23、Three aunts: , nun, and Gua. Three aunts and six women areoffolk women.
24、Six women: ,woman,, tooth woman,woman, and godly woman.
25、Nine : great-, great-, , son, body, , , great-, great-. The fourof the upper and lower areafter .
26、Sevenfor :, small , slow ,, odd , even ,. Sevenof.
27、Thesigns: Rat, Ox, Tiger, , , Snake, Horse, Sheep, , , Dog, Pig. Theis alsothe ,folk , and hasmany .
1、Paper cut
The art of paper- is anfolk art. In the 1990s, everywould use this kind of purefor anyevent. , with theof, we can only find itsin some , but after all With the taste of the , there is lessof hands-on.
opera is an. With theof the times, it hasinto theofopera, which ison the five major operaof " Opera, Yue Opera,Opera,Opera and Henan Opera". Today, theof drama hasbeenup by manyon TV, which has taken the .
3、 Play
is a folk drama that usesskin orto. It tells localand has alocal . It has a longand a long . In 2011,wasinto thelist of human.
起初,中国武术是一种结束战争和维持和平的技术 。它有着悠久的历史 。如今关于中国民俗的知识,人们修炼它只是为了提高人们的精神和身体素质 。是中华民族优秀的文化遗产之一 。
笔、墨、纸、砚是中国传统的书法工具 。在古代,它们是学者和地位的象征 。可现在他们并没有太在意他们关于中国民俗的知识,书房的四件宝物也渐渐从我们身边消失了 。

