周忠眉:浙江大学频繁关联模式挖掘和挖掘算法研究( 二 )

l arge num ’bynum erous cl i ni pti onsw erei ncl,nes and i ni j s. lence i versi ty 的 CCN TM edi cal Sci l pti nce 。只有 Chi yof Chi thebiem in TCM 是如何充分利用这些 。数据被定义为 ng si gni fi cant all l nl um e 。, datam i ngi sthe s used +Thus, i nthi , w i ng ' pti i that we pti on, c i ni .我们的主要工作之一是为 m i ni for i ni ng op al gori thm 的任何新人 。mai n w Works i s toi lal gori thm s nthi s pti i ni ng s.
【周忠眉:浙江大学频繁关联模式挖掘和挖掘算法研究】fordi ated refl ati on rel ati onshi eni tem s 。我是多么的慢,从人类到肛门阿尔伯的人数众多 。我是你,我是你妈 。, 我们 em i ne m axi mated。m m axi m i ni ati call l 浙江大学博士论文编号 m orm theal gori thmw i thm w i thout in ati on l oss, any beromal l m axi m . ati ionm i ni ng 和 ati ionm i ni ngare 两个任务 。影响现在我之间的 ati on rel ati onshi ps 。m ts 表明不存在任何 ati onrel ati onshi eni tem s i nm any hi ghl。我们将 w i ati on w i ati on in the m i ni ng di ated 和 as to i 结合起来 。由于 a 的 ni t 条件较弱,因此存在任何 i 关系,因此我们将相互建立联系 。任何两个中的任意两个都完全和积极地发生了 。m ts 表明,t utual l ti vel m i ni ngcal velude 软管我 t ated ti vel ated 。因此,ber nm utual l ti vel m i ni ngi s 比 one ated and ated m i ni ng 要少得多 。ngl y, orm ated and i ng 。相互关联的 m i n ngi m ts 表明,任何 ati on rule 都没有在两个方面之间的关系,我们将 ati on ati on rule es 作为 ati on rul 的补充嗯 。ati on 和 ati on rule es 都有 ati on ti ati ati onrel ati onshi een tw osi des 。因此和rul em i ni m rul。ati on and ati onrul em i ni ngi s more feasi bl ethan ati on rul em i ning 。但是,输入参数很少,但适合表格形式的参数也很少 。在这篇论文中,信心是塑料建奎糖宝主丝塞型 。Si s m i s based on l i ty , i ti si ng 。它不仅有 1 和一个 down n bound-1,但是,所以我适合 m i ni ng long 的表 。We ei lal gori thm s n thi optw pti i ni ng s:ysi pti on ysi pti on 。水和//规则 esf s 。U si s、wons 并找到要添加的内容 。W pti of ngour s 。我们可以继续使用 。关键词:选项、数据挖掘、置信度、规则图形目录浙江大学博士论文图形目录图2.1 KD D过程······················ ······································································································ ······································································································ ······································································································ ······································································································ ···················E爱8图2.4紧密耦合的数据挖掘系统体系结构9图3.1最大频繁的关联模式挖掘的过程…34图3.3最大频繁的关联模式挖掘了古代食谱中实现的示例… 。49 图 4.2 中医药局方剂中关联和关联频繁模式挖掘的实现示例 ... 50 图 5.1 蘑菇数据集的运行时间... . 56 图 5.2 中医药局方剂中正相关频繁模式挖掘的实现示例…… 58 图 6.1 蘑菇数据集的运行时间... 64 图 6.2 中国药房局处方关联及相关规则挖掘的实现示例……66 图 7,l 处方药组合模式分析系统架构...... 74 图 7.2 方晶药物成分模式分析系统配方库选择界面…………………………74 图7.3 方晶药物成分模式分析系统算法选择界面………… ...... ????? 75 ??图 7.4 中药局方剂的最大频繁关联模式(第一次挖掘)...古方最大频繁关联模式(第一次挖掘)……. 79 图7.8 古代中药方剂的最大频繁关联模式(第二次发掘)...... 80 图7.9 中国药房局的处方互为正...

