【知识点】北京大学《九章筭术》的最高成就( 六 )

The"Shu Shu Jiu Zhang" in the early 13thisinto nineand, eachhas nine , itbe said that it hasThe"Nineof ". Among them, the mostarethe "Dayan " in the firstof the Dayan class and the " and" in the ninthof the "class". " and" or "Qin" gives theto theroot of an-th, and thecan beor .isto solve such , whichthe value of the , and each time The valuen(n+1)/2and n . Qinit into n -order ,only nand n , and he gave aof 10of sub-21 . It was not until the early 19ththat thiswasby thefound that,'s , even in today'sage, Qin('s)is still of great .
1 is the bigclass, that is, the mostfirst-order. In theof this , he wrote, "Theis ; theof the world lies in ." Theis about the. Thesays, "The seven , the sky ; There are many ." The thirdis about theof land area, and thewith, " theare small, theybe put first;theand view the world." ,tax, grain , ,,, etc. In theof , he wrote, "The, think of the , and putin the shoes of , as if they wereandfrom . If theof taxes, corvées, andis , can it makefeel at ease?"
In theof "Money ", thepoems are moreand well-. " grain andtaxeson the grade, and when grain isin the , iton the . A grain of , an inch of silk, is theof men and women." "be like a wise manwater. Theis clear, order is not , theare cured, and theare ." "Those who are blindturn a blind eye, theare , and theis .andaway from ,are not ! Sigh!"
At theof the , Qinthatin the Zhouto one of the "six arts" (, music, , , , and ).andhaveand.was borntothe laws of the world. From a big ,canand life; from a small ,canandall . Qinthatin the world isto . This kind ofwasandin the world by the. I don’t knowthe so-Greekthatishas beendown by the ’s ownor justby later ’ . If thehasor its?

