这些主张虽然旨在巩固李唐,但客观上使人们得以休养生息,有利于初唐的繁荣 。本文以“思考”为线索,将要讨论的问题组合成一篇文章,文字结构清晰,条理清晰 。并运用比喻、对比、对抗的修辞手法,推理透彻,节奏铿锵有力,气势充沛 。这是一篇非常好的文章 。译文:我听说,一棵树要长大,它的根基必须坚固;河流要长流,必须疏浚源头;一个国家要稳定,就必须积累自己的德、仁、义 。如果水源不深却要水长流,根不强而要树长,德不深却要使国家安定,虽然我很傻,我知道这是不可能的,何况有智慧的人呢?君主掌握着皇帝的巨大权力和责任,处于天地之间的至高无上的地位 。在舒适的环境中,他不考虑危险 。他摒弃奢侈,实行节俭 。流水久久不变!历代历代帝王,都接受了天命,一开始做得很好,但能坚持到最后的却寥寥无几 。得天下容易,守住难?大概在深陷困境的时候,他们必须以诚相待 。如果你尽力而为,那么即使是吴越这样的敌对国家,也可以成为一个整体; if you look down on , your closewill be asas -by. Even usingtoandwithand anger can only makeseek to avoid , but they will not miss theof the . On the , they are , but they are not .
【502人评分 谏太宗十思疏8.6朝代:唐代】Theis not big or small, only theare scary.are like water, they can carry boats orthem, so theybe very . To ride awithropes, is that ? As aand a , hecan do it: when he sees what he wants, hethat he knowsto warn ; when he is about to make a big , hethat he needs to stop into make the;that the 'smay be inat any time, heof being , Andself-;of , think ofasin the lowerofof ; like to hunt and play, think ofwildon three sides,one side as a limit;about slack, think ofbeing ;about beingWhen you aretheof your ; when you areof being , you think aboutto repel the evil ; when youto , you think about notthemyou are happy for a while; when, you think about notangryyou are angry and.the above tenandtheof the nine , and you willget it.感谢阅读,祝您有愉快的一天 。
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