When ais ill,to , it is a debt ; awhotoo much karma willfrom poorandfromandall his life. In this way, you need toeven more, be a good , don't be short-, have a bad , or have a badyourandthe , then yourwill be even worse, and even Hua Tuo will not be able to cure you. From apoint of view, thethe speed of the , so keep a happy and sunny , then the pain will be. Theofintowithis to open up and see , so as not to beto it. , there will be lessin the mind, and it will also be of great help to .
at life and death from the side of the five
The fiveof human lifebeand , and itnot be . The so-to thein which one of the fiveis toooris too weak due to the role of the fivein the hit. The god ofand the god ofbethere are too many, and all those who arewill, orthe self- is too much,willthe god of ; , or due totoo much tothe gods, orofthe crowd, theare . Once this , the fivewill be , and it will betodeath. As the "Three Lives " said: Jinmu isof being too weak, and if it is too weak, it will die. Fire isof over-, and if it is too , it will die. How is the soil and water? Water isof , and earth isof . When the fiveare , those who are toodo not die in the years of , but die in the years when the God ofisor theGod ofis .or the year of the tomb.
at life and death from the point of view ofand Jisha
【八字看寿元长寿的八字五行要均衡,并非是金木水火土五行全】Theis thesign of death.Xing isofdeath in the sky, andXing is alsoofJisha. The so- Jisha is not the gods such asand, but: "the tomb, , death, " four evil . Such as thetomb in Wei, died in the , fell ill in Si, and died in Shen and so on. Of , the eviland evilare not, thethat the gods and evilonly play anrole. ?Somethink that deathon the gods. Thethat the gods only care about the good or bad luck, not the life and death. Only the olderneed to refer to the gods when they look at their . Somediein their happy years, someare poor but , how to ? Deathon theand the Fivein the life , but somedie in the year when they use gods to be , that istheir gods andare the same.
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