【话题作文】第一篇:《属狗人的婚姻与命运》属狗( 六 )

深夜11点到1:00出生的属狗人,人生会经历很多波折 。此时生于狗年,血肉之躯的六亲帮助甚微,终生在四方创业,外无贵族的支持 。所以创业难 。在我的生活中发生了意外和不幸的事情,但幸运的是没有大的灾难 。这个时候出生的属狗人,要把握社会发展的形势和周围的环境 。有机会就行动,没有机会就不要盲目行动 。
凌晨1-3点出生的属狗人:生活中会有很多烦恼和波折 。这个时候出生的属狗人,会比较麻烦缠自己,也会出现小破财的现象 。但在异性贵族的帮助下,并没有什么大的危险 。这个时候出生的属狗人,口齿伶俐,直率,自私,心胸狭隘 。你要努力克制自己的烦躁,少说自己,减少不必要的麻烦 。
凌晨3点到5点出生的狗人:因为卷舌男,狗人背后会有很多反派,他们会趁机阻碍和破坏狗人的事业 。但狗人痴迷,随它去吧 。his life, he often hadandwith , and even made big , until hehisand lost money.
Dogborn5 and 7 in the : There are no majorin their lives, and theylive a life of peace and . Dogborn at this time are prone to minorand often have some small , but they do not have muchin their . There are manyinlife, anddo not like toand let them . Dogborn at this time have a goodwith thesex andwomen. But there was a smallof it.
Dogborn7-9:00 am: This life isbyandhuman , and many ups and downs. No loss in his life, multi- and multi-,ice , six. If you can, you will be happy if you pay more than 30 yuan, and you will be able to make money in the four . If you go out, you will have the power of , and you will be able to . be happy.
Dogborn9-11 am: There are many happyin life, and they will liveever after. Dogborn at this time, , , , andandcan live in ,each other, and beby. , the dogcanandin . Dogborn at this time will be happy inand love. A lot of, and can get the help of .
【【话题作文】第一篇:《属狗人的婚姻与命运》属狗】Dogborn11-1:00 noon: Life will be ups and downs. The dog born at this time is smart, , , notofand , with awill, deeproots, and great help from . With the help of noble, it is easy toin life, and it is easy to fail. Dogget rid of theirand judge thein order totheir power and .

