二 春节民俗作文篇:在我的家乡有许许多多的传统节日( 六 )

正月初七,据说杜甫和他的朋友高石等人在这一天到草堂写诗,表达了对彼此的思念 。因此,成都人不得不去山寨与杜甫共度时光 。正月初九,大街小巷都会点起“天灯”,届时整条街都会像白昼一样被照亮 。正月十五,家家户户吃元宵,拜神拜年,又是一派热闹景象 。
四川的春节与其他地方不同 。正月十七的春节并没有结束,因为正月十六还有一个习俗,那就是“游历百病” 。It is said that women in thetend to do , so theirare weak and they are easy to get sick. , on the night of the 16th day of the first lunar month every year, they go out andfor the mainofaway evil . this . Weakthe city walls, and it was said that they could stay ill for a year.
I think about it, it's like I'm still there. The,,...there, I can't !
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