为人衣财多,财帛早年不聚,人生光荣,不惹事,父母难靠,血肉少,夫妻和睦,孩子相见晚,女儿应该住在家里 。
嘉寅年出生:(1974)五行属大溪,立虎 。
老实说,一生利官,家富足,财帛多,父母受罚,男怕妻,女管夫,生活不易,不要过度 。
生于十九年:(1975)五行属大溪水,兔为得道者 。他是有志之士,昴,聪明伶俐谋略,性命贴近一切,文武双全,女子长寿为佳 。
丙辰年:(1976)五行属沙中土,天上龙 。
他聪明睿智,人间有春风,一生衣冠楚楚 。休闲工作 。好朋友,中年事业兴旺,财运晚旺,女人无愧于生命 。
丁四年:(1977)五行属沙中土,池中蛇 。
为人亲近官,性情强,不听人情 。兄弟情深,事业辉煌;女人美丽,衣冠楚楚,过着贤惠的生活 。
武武年:(1978)五行属天火,马厩马 。
他是个志向远大的人,天生衣冠楚楚,长相俊美,性格温和,少年时多灾多难,血肉之躯刑罚,女人姐妹少,一生安好 。夫妻 。
纪维年:(1979)五行属天火,草野之羊 。
快节奏,口齿伶俐,名声好,前途无量,受贵族尊敬,财运亨通,财运亨通,强者胜祖宗,朋友恭敬 。女富贵夫命 。
庚申年:(1980)五合星属石榴木,食果猴 。
作为一生兄弟姐妹不断的人,名利双收,官员亲近 。立志兴家,六亲无动于衷,妇人晚有兴旺之命 。
生于新佑年:(1981)五行属石榴木,笼中鸡 。
一个人一生精明,精神好,能言善辩,受权贵尊崇,财富丝足,六亲冷淡,血肉稀少,女人有德,有养家的生活 。
生于仁绪年:(1982)五行属海属狗 。
一生行善,来往不息,多劳多得,衣食足,贵人提拔,求满足 。早年正常,晚年繁华 。女人善良而善良 。
归海年生:(1983)五行属海,属林下猪 。
为人正直,不随人情,不缺财,六亲疏离,自立比从前好 。这是建立家庭和创业的生活 。妇女当家作主,牲畜兴旺,寿命长 。
甲子年出生:(1924、1984)五行属海金,属鼠 。
Being a man with manyand small ,abut no end,,at a young age,by his , fewto rely on, many, a man with a big qi and a long , can beas a smart,life.
Born in the year of Yi Chou: (1925、1985)The fiveto the gold in the sea and thein the sea.
He is , loves the, sees more andless,from, , 9 -class ,and wife are not ,are not , sixare less , women are , and pure and .
Bing Yin year: (1926、1986)The fiveto the fire in the , the tiger of theand .
Awhomore andless, isin , quick inand hard in , idle in body and ,in , close toand ,and good-, and .
year: (1927、1987)The fiveto the fire in theand thethe moon.
Being a man with, not idle in body and mind, a lot of , smart and ,with head and tail, men have alife; women are quiet, and have a happy life.
Birth in the year of : (1928、1988)The fiveto the greattrees, and theof pure and warm.
He likes the,andthe ,and , hurts his flesh and blood, and hisare not .
Born in myyear: (1929、1989)The fiveto the greattree and the snake of good .
He is smart and , has the share of fame and fame, theand wife are , and dowell; men are more in the , good and , wise and , and have a good life.
year: (1930、1990)The fiveto the road and the earth, and the horse in the hall.
Being , , rich inand , a man hasover the house, and has a, which isby . The woman,Yizi, has a life of .
Xin Wei Nian: (1931、1991)The fiveto the road and the soil, and the sheep of .
Have , bein life,fromin , seein women at the first sight, befora son, and beinand wife; women will beina , and men will have a life ofaand a , and they areto be .
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