夏天我们能干吗? 英文回答答案

What can we do in the winter?
We can piay with snowballs.
In winter, we can do the following things:
【夏天我们能干吗? 英文回答答案】1 。Board Games: An all time classic, this one is 。Bring out the dusty board games like Scrabble, Pictionary, Monopoly, Game of Life, and any others that we may have 。
Prepare a pot of steaming hot chocolate, and we're set for a fun filled afternoon!
2 。Snowboarding: Organize an informal snowboarding competitio 。
Pick a cool slope to do it, and then we all can have a wonderful campfire post the competition 。
3 。Snow Ball Fight: How can we forget this one! Gather around in an area with a lot of snow, make snow balls and have a long and tiring snow ball fight 。
We can make any kind of rules we want, and have a whole lot of fun! 。

