difference造句如下:1.She makes no difference between her two sons .
她对两个儿子一视同仁 。
2.It makes no difference to the count rate .
这对计数率并没有什么影响 。
3.These differences are probably genetic .
这些差异大概是遗传上的差别 。
4.There is a decided difference between them .
他们之间有截然的不同 。
5.I know that it wouldn't make any difference .
我知道这都无济于事 。
6.It's difficult to find difference in a sentence. 用difference造句挺难的
7.He couldn't see the difference between good and bad .
他不分善恶 。
8.What is the difference between them ?
9.There is a great deal of difference between the two ...
兩者相差甚遠 。
10.A half-cycle difference causes cancellation .
相差半个周期才引起抵消 。
11.One honest man can make a difference .
有一个老实人就可以大变样 。
12.They decided to put aside their differences .
他们决定抛开彼此的分歧 。
13.I can not spot the difference between them .
我看不出两者的区别 。
14.These differences are only quantitative .
这些只不过是数量上的不同而已 。
15.Their difference is a quadratic residue of 17 .
【用difference造句?】它们的差是17的平方剩余 。
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