阿财风水堂:阿财命理文集(组图)( 六 )

想象一下,有许多盲人算命者不知道如何使用上帝的祝福和禁忌 。他们的生命是如何计算的?
人生若有火,怎能用神的恩宠和嫉妒来计算呢?江湖派用秘方神煞星冲相会来判断命运,被斩出的命运比被神喜避而斩出的命运更加丰富多彩 。八字无水或遇水,幸者见水生火,重者死亡 。这就是所谓的民间江湖派 。秘方很多,往往直击人心,言辞惊人,不马虎 。
江湖派的缺点是保守,经常“宁舍千金,不传一句”,所以生命科学总是难以进步 。
这几年兴起的新派,其实都是民间的,所以起步快,接受是特点 。但其基本结构不严谨,一直是民法的问题,不适合进一步研究 。新法具有民间算命的特点 。使用神,最新的新法也引入了盲人家法,成为神明的理论 。引入了道家的阴阳学说,成为了一个反诊公式 。新学校的收养原则在此省略,有机会专门分析一下 。英神派的特点是一劳永逸 。只要选对了英神,似乎所有的问题都会迎刃而解 。而江湖派则采用专线公式的形式 。公式很多,没有逻辑和系统,学起来也不容易 。
如果造八字:庚申 。他分析了上帝的用处后说:“从弱点,甲神为用” 。Thewill say, "From theor from the child, there must be onefor the A or Shen", and the blindcan break the "Jia Shen's luck is a pass ina few "it.为什么?there is a"the twoare the same, therush will die", the eight- Wuyin and the twoare the same, and the twoof theare the same. WhentheYun, the -rush Wuyin and thewill die.
Theare,the bookto read! ! ! Manyarefor the first time, which is rare in the world!
add Mr. Linmu tothis book:
【阿财风水堂:阿财命理文集(组图)】先生 。Linmu: After theof "A Cai" on March 1, 2019, I would like to thank Yifrom all over theforthis book. Yiyou who likesnot miss it, abookof , manyarefor the first time (noton the ), the most. After theof this book, Lin Mu spent more than two,and ,,, , page , typos, more than 400,000 words, 404 pages, and. Thisbook has been , and my wish has been . , Ah Cai has lived inmore than ten years ago, and noasks about theof the world. Let's use this book toMr. Ah Cai....! In this , read a few more ,more, and have. There are somethat Ah Cai has onlyon so far.Mr. Jia Linmu:

