进退 周易说:变化是进退的标志 。宇宙万物都在不断地运动、变化 , 有运动就有变化 , 有变化就有不同 。六行的变化 , 就是这种变化的自然规律 , 进退两难 。所谓进退 , 就是事物发生变化后进退的具体迹象 。入神者 , 卦行之变 , 必变进 。华晋是:尹华茂、司华武、沉华幽、海华子、仇华晨、陈华伟、许华许、许华仇 。神退者 , 因卦纹变化而化退 。化退为:茂华阴、五华司、幽华神、紫华海、陈华丑、丑徐、徐华威、魏辰 。入灵者 , 预示事物不断前行 , 如春天来临 , 草木生机勃勃;退却是事物变化和退步的表现 , 如秋天的花叶意象;分 , 吉祥神化为进 , 忌神化为退 。例如:幽月庚戌日测出孩子的出生年份 , 得到屯的节日卦;医生 , 父亲们已经从地球上撤退了 , 不是疾病 , 而是精神枯萎的迹象 。逆丑月破出鬼面 , 果死丑月 。(虽然用神通旺 , 但不宜化为退灵 , 也是不祥之兆 。天地在半空中 , 仿佛身体已经很虚弱了 。目前有一个月生命 。应猛 , 丑月以神化破 , 以神对白虎 , 白虎必丧而死 。)叶鹤老人说:有四种入神方式;进步是一回事;移动和休息的囚犯 , 变成休息的囚犯 , 等待季节变化 , 二;动尧换尧一 , 堪休囚 , 待盛期进 , 三;移旺相和化旺相 , 日月动托四物 , 退四法 。退隐有四种方式:一是趁着最近发生的事 , 不退缩;一种是转移犯人就退休 , 一种是退休;有一种在犯人休息时兴旺而退 , 这是第三种 。六十甲子纳印台 六十甲子纳印台 甲子乙丑在海中是金 , 丙寅在火中定卯炉;无辰已长成大片森林 , 更无新纬路边土;人神贵油剑锋金 。甲胥 , 益海 , 山顶火 , 丙子丁畴流入水; Wuyin hashead soil,Xinsi ash gold; Renwuwood.Yiyouwater,house upper soil; In Jiawu and Yiwei, there is gold in the sand,is under fire; Wuxu has beenand the wood is on the ;Yisithe ,water;has been a large post soil,and gold; RenziSang Zhe wood. , Yimao, the greatwater, , , and sand in theof the earth; Wuwu is noin the sky and fire, , , andwood; Renxu, , and sea water. FiveNayinFirst Bu Dayan forty-nineon the ,Jia has been on theof nine, Yi Geng has not been eight, Liang Xin Yin Shen Qi, Ding Ren Mao You Liu, Wu Gui Chen Xu Wu, Si Hai Chang is at the .byis , and it isby theof the five . The rest are water one, fire two, and wood three. Metal four, soil five,and use is Nayin. Theone is water- wood, Nayin is wood, thetwo is earth, the third is fire, thefour is water, and thefive is metal. For : Jiazi, , four- stems andhave a total of -four , and the forty-nineof Dayan minus -fourare , and then minus -five-one ten , and theis five and five are earth, and gold , Jiazi and Yi Chou are alsowith Yin Jin.: the four, the stem has a total of -six , theis-three , and thenfrom four, five andtothree , the three are wood, wood makes fire, so it isIt is also fire. Yuthis. Song Yun: Sixty-year-old Jiazi , -sevenof earth and sky, five minus zero tomath, Nayin has beendown by these few . As thegoes,stems,, Nayin, andmust .God and
For those who havegods in the , there is noof gods, and those who use no gods are not used in the , or the gods do not . The moon and the day are used for the gods. If the moon and the sun do not come to use the gods, they canthem from the eight pure . Thegods areunder thelines of the. Thegods are, theisFei Shen.
For , in order to, theuses theline as the god of , but there is noline in the , which means that the god of use does not . There is no need to look for the gods. Ifis not the sun and the moon, you have tothe gods in the Eight Pureof the . Under the water, the water of Hai is the god of , and the yin wood is the god of fu. It is the water of Hai that gives birth to the yin wood. It is said that the gods can live and live . , Yu Guathis. It isto fly tothe body, and the gods are , such asthe ,the Gu Gua,
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