
“七彩”的英文为:Colorful 。
1、每个人都在七彩的剪贴画册上写下感谢的话语和诗歌,还有小孩们用彩色蜡笔描绘的唐和他的商店 。
Everyone contributed to a colorful scrapbook with notes of thanks, poems, and little kids’ crayon drawings of Don and the store.
2、和孩子一起找春天 万象更新的春天令人兴奋:七彩的花儿开放,小动物出生了,树木发出绿叶 。
【“七彩”的英文是什么?】Spring is such an exciting season for all things new and fresh. Colorful flowers bloom, babyanimals are born, and trees sprout green leaves.
3、我几乎从报道捷克斯洛伐克的“天鹅绒革命”直接转到报道罗马尼亚的“流血革命”,而这犹如从七彩云天一下跌入了人间地狱 。
Moving almost directly from reporting on the “velvet revolution” in Czechoslovakia to Romania’s “bloody revolution,” took me from the seventh cloud of heaven to hell on earth.

