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Qixi Festival commemorates the bittersweet love of the Cowherd (牛郎) and Weaver Girl (织女).
七夕节是为了纪念牛郎和织女的苦涩爱情 。

情人节是几月几号2019 情人节几月几日英语


According to Chinese myth, seven goddesses who lived in heaven secretly ventured to the mortal world one night to do some exploring. The seven sisters were bathing together in a lake when a nearby Cowherd spotted one of the goddesses, a skilled weaver who wove colorful clouds in heaven. It was love at first sight for the two, and she stayed behind in the mortal world, marrying the Cowherd and bearing two children.
根据中国的神话, 住在天上的七位女神有一天晚上偷偷地来到凡间探秘 。 七个姐妹一起在湖里洗澡时, 附近的牛郎发现了其中一个女神, 一个在天上编织五彩缤纷云朵的织女 。 两人一见钟情, 她留在了凡间, 与牛郎结婚并生了两个孩子 。

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But for a goddess to marry a mortal man was blasphemy, and when the Goddess of Heaven discovered the transgression, she was enraged and ordered Weaver Girl to return to Heaven and resume her weaving duties. Weaver Girl had no choice but to obey and leave, heartbroken.
但是, 一个女神嫁给一个凡人是亵渎神灵的行为, 当王母发现了这种违令行为, 她很生气, 命令织女回到天堂, 继续她的织云工作 。 织女没有选择, 只能服从命令, 伤心地离开 。

情人节是几月几号2019 情人节几月几日英语

The Cowherd was devastated and could not imagine a life without his beloved. One day, seeing his pain, the Cowherd’s ox began to speak, telling him that if he killed him and wore his hide, he could fly up to heaven and see Weaver Girl again. The ox’s sacrifice reunited the two, but the Goddess of Heaven would not stand for it. She furiously created a river of stars in the sky, separating the lovers for eternity. A flock of magpies, moved by the purity of the couple’s devotion, joined together to form a bridge between the two.
牛郎大受打击, 无法想象没有他爱人的生活 。 有一天, 牛郎的牛看到他的痛苦, 开始说话, 告诉他如果他杀了牛, 穿上他的皮, 他就可以飞上天堂, 再次见到织女 。 牛的牺牲使两人重逢, 但王母不会容忍这一切 。 她愤怒地在天空中制造了一条星河, 把这对恋人永远地分开了 。 一群喜鹊被这对夫妇纯洁的奉献精神所感动, 联合起来, 在两人之间架起了一座桥梁 。

情人节是几月几号2019 情人节几月几日英语

Even the Goddess of Heaven was touched, and she agreed to allow the Cowherd and their children to remain in heaven, to be reunited with Weaver Girl only once a year, on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month.
就算是王母也被感动了, 她同意让牛郎和他们的孩子留在天上, 每年只在农历七月的第七天与织女团聚一次 。

情人节是几月几号2019 情人节几月几日英语

While many variations of this folk tale are told today, this is a commonly relayed version of the story. The tale traces its roots back to astrology — specifically, the stars Altair and Vega, situated 16 light years apart at opposite ends of the Milky Way. During the Qixi Festival, the celestial bodies appear to convene in the sky. They are believed to be the Cowherd and Weaver Girl, an age-old love story written in the stars.
虽然这个民间故事在今天发生了变化, 但这是一个普遍转述的故事版本 。 这个故事的根源可以追溯到占星术--特别是牵牛星和织女星, 它们相距16光年, 位于银河系的两端 。 在七夕节期间, 这两颗天体似乎在天空中团聚 。 人们相信他们就是牛郎和织女, 一个写在星星上的古老爱情故事 。

