滋生从道理来讲是一对公母狗交配连系精子和卵子出产下一代 。 而狗大都是人类介入很强的人工干涉干与交配的滋生的 。 所以“滋生者”的一般界说就是作者给出的简略界说 。 【国外对于宠物活体繁殖者的分类】
Hobby breeder:
A breed fancier who usually has only one breed but may have two; follows a breeding plan in efforts to preserve and protect the breed; produces from none to five litters per year; breeds only when a litter will enhance the breed and the breeding program; raises the puppies with plenty of environmental and human contact; has a contract that protects breeder, dog, and buyer; runs a small, clean kennel; screens breeding stock to eliminate hereditary defects from the breed; works with a breed club or kennel club to promote and protect the breed; and cares that each and every puppy is placed in the best home possible.
他们是某品种的快乐喜爱者, 凡是他们只滋生一到两个品种, 他们遵守滋生打算是为了庇护这个品种, 他们每一年只滋生1~5胎, 只有一种条件他们才会滋生, 那就是这胎有机遇加强这个品种 。
他们在杰出的情况中豢养幼犬, 包管幼犬与人类足够的接触 。 他们利用和谈庇护滋生者, 狗, 和采办者, 他们经营着小的, 清洁的犬舍, 他们监控本身的种犬避免遗传缺点, 他们和某个品种俱乐部或犬业协会协作, 来庇护和推动这个品种, 而且专心的赐顾帮衬每个幼犬, 为每一个幼犬寻觅最适合的家庭 。
Commercial breeder:
One who usually has several breeds of dogs with profit as the primary motive for existence. The dogs may be healthy or not and the kennel may be clean or not. The dogs are probably not screened for genetic diseases, and the breeding stock is probably not selected for resemblance to the breed standard or for good temperament. Most commercial breeders sell their puppies to pet stores or to brokers who sell to pet stores.
他们凡是有多个品种的犬, 是以好处为首要驱动的存在 。 他们的狗可能健康或不健康, 他们的犬舍可能洁净或脏乱, 他们的狗可能会被监控以免遗传病, 他们的种犬可能不会依照品种尺度和性情进行挑选裁减 。 尽年夜部门的贸易滋生者把他们的幼犬发卖到宠物商铺或那些和宠物商铺买卖的经销商 。
One who buys puppies from commercial kennels and sells to retail outlets. Brokers ship puppies by the crate-load on airlines or by truckload throughout the country. Brokers must be licensed by USDA and must abide by the shipping regulations in the Animal Welfare Act.
他们从贸易犬舍采办幼犬, 做转手的零售生意 。 经销商用航空或路运的体例将幼犬发到各地 。 这些经销商必需具有美国农业部的承认而且必需遵照输送规范, 包管动物福利 。
One who collects dogs of unknown origin for sale to laboratories or other bunchers or brokers. Bunchers are considered lower on the evolutionary scale than puppy mill operators, for there is much suspicion that they buy stolen pets, collect pets advertised as "Free to a good home", and adopt unwanted pets from animal shelters for research at veterinary colleges or industrial research laboratories.
他们搜集不知出处的狗, 发卖给尝试室或其他批发商或经销商 。 他们被以为是puppy mill的初级形态 。 由于他们很有可能往偷宠物, 搜集宠物, 从宠物庇护所领养被抛弃的宠物 。 用于动物实验或财产研讨尝试室 。
Backyard breeder:
A dog owner whose pet either gets bred by accident or who breeds on purpose for a variety of reasons. This breeder is usually ignorant of the breed standard, genetics, behavior, and good health practices. A backyard breeder can very easily become a commercial breeder or a puppy mill.
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