国外对于宠物活体繁殖者的分类( 二 )

“后院”滋生者:一个狗主人, 他多是由于不测或多样的缘由进行了滋生, 这类滋生者凡是会 疏忽这个品种的尺度, 基因, 行动表示, 和有益的健康的熬炼 。 这类滋生者很是轻易改变成贸易滋生者或puppy mill!
Puppy mill:

A breeder who produces puppies hand over fist with no breeding program, little attention to puppy placement, and poor health and socialization practices. A puppy mill may or may not be dirty but it is usually overcrowded and the dogs may be neglected or abused because the breeder can't properly handle as many dogs as he has. Puppy mill operators often denigrate hobby breeders and their dogs in attempts to make a sale.
Puppy mill:
他们年夜量的出产宠物, 他们完整没有滋生打算, 很少斟酌宠物安设 。 他们很少给宠物健康和社交的练习 。 puppy mill可能不很脏可是他们凡是很拥堵由于狗太多太滥了乃至于他们很难赐顾帮衬到那末多的个别 。 puppy mill的商人凡是会毁谤那些好的有名誉的快乐喜爱滋生者, 这么做, 是为了发卖他们本身的狗 。

