
最近由于疫情 , 很多小伙伴都在居家办公或上课 , 这期英大带你一起来了解居家办公的10个技巧 , 助你在家也能效率满格!
Have a morning routine
Set your alarm and go through your normal morning habits like you would if you were going into the office. When you get ready for the day, it can signal you to transition your home environment into your workspace.
定好闹钟 , 养成像上班时那样正常的早起习惯 。 当你准备好迎接新的一天时 , 闹钟会向你发出信号 , 提醒你把家里的环境转变成工作环境 。
Set daily and weekly goals
Take a few minutes each day to plan out the work goals you want to accomplish. Use these daily objectives to build up to one larger weekly goal that contributes toyour projects and assignments.
花几分钟时间 , 列出你要完成的每日工作目标 。 利用这些每日目标 , 搭建一个更大的有利于项目和任务的每周目标 。
Use time management techniques
It can be easy to lose track of time when working remotely, so it's important to incorporate some time management techniques that can help you monitor how long you're spending on certain tasks. The Pomodoro Method, for example, is a great strategy for setting you up to work for two to three hours, then encouraging you to take a 20- to 30-minute break.
远程工作时很容易忘记时间 , 所以采用一些时间管理技术很重要 , 这些技术可以帮助你监控你在某些任务上花费的时间 。 例如 , “番茄钟”是一个很好的方法 , 可以让你工作两到三个小时 , 然后鼓励你休息20到30分钟 。

Eat lunch at the same time
Take your lunch break at the same time every day. This way, you'll get a healthy routine going that gets your body used to a scheduled eating plan. Additionally, planning your lunch for the same time every day gives you a way to plan a longer break where you can schedule a quick workout session or other relaxing activity before getting back to work.
每天在固定时间午休 。 这样你就会养成健康习惯 , 身体也会习惯安排好的饮食计划 。 此外 , 把午餐时间安排在同一时间有助于安排更长的休息时间 , 在回归工作状态之前你可以安排一次午间运动训练或其他放松活动 。
Participate in online training
If your company offers opportunities for professional development, consider participating. Similarly, consider seeking out other available online training or courses that can help you boostyour skills and advance in your career. Learning new skills and increasing your industry knowledge can help you stay motivated to succeed.
如果你的公司提供职业发展的机会 , 你应该考虑参加 。 同样 , 你也应该考虑寻找其他可获取的在线培训或课程 , 来提高职业技能、促进事业发展 。 学习新技能和增加行业知识有助于你保持成功的动力 。
Schedule face time with colleagues
Use a video conferencing platform to meet virtually with your colleagues face-to-face at least once per week. Seeing one another and communicating verbally can help you and your teammates plan and collaborate more effectively. Scheduling regular face time with your team can also help you stay connected and keep you from feeling too isolated.
你应该使用视频会议平台 , 每周和同事至少进行一次面对面的线上会议 。 彼此见面并进行言语交流可以帮助你和你的团队成员更有效地规划工作、彼此合作 。 定期安排与团队的面谈时间也可以帮助你保持与他人的联系 , 让你不至于感到太过孤独 。

