Use居家办公的10个技巧:在办公室以外的地方如何提高工作效率?( 二 )


Ask for regular feedback
Just like regular face time with your team is important, asking for regular feedback from your supervisors is essential to understanding how your team leads and managers see your performance. Knowing exactly where you can improve, along with the aspects of your work that are above standard, can help you stay excited about your work.
正如定期与团队面对面交流很重要一样 , 定期向你的主管征求反馈意见 , 对于了解团队领导和经理如何看待你的表现至关重要 。 清晰地知道自己可以改进的地方 , 以及工作中表现出色的方面 , 可以帮助你保持工作的激情 。
Schedule specific work hours
Similar to keeping your morning routine, it's crucial that you set specific "business" hours that let everyone in the house know when you're working. For example, let family members know that you will start work every morning at 9 a.m., and during the hours you're working, you're not to be disturbed unless it's an emergency. When you set boundaries, your work schedule can flow more efficiently.
和保持晨间作息习惯一样 , 你要设定具体的“工作”时间 , 让家里的每个人都知道你在什么时间段工作 , 这一点至关重要 。 例如 , 让家庭成员知道你每天早上9点开始工作 , 工作时间内 , 除非是紧急情况 , 否则不得打扰你 。 当你设定好时间界限 , 你的工作日程会更有效率地进行 。
Stay organized
Keep your workspace free from clutter and develop a system for keeping important files and paperwork organized. You can get creative with your storage options if you have the room, or you can use plain manila folders to separate different work documents. No matter the method you choose, it's important to stay consistent with your approach to develop efficient organizational habits.
保持你的工作空间整洁 , 并建立一个体系来保持重要文件和文书摆放有序 。 如果你有足够的空间 , 你可以有创意地选择存储方式 , 或者你可以使用普通的马尼拉文件夹来分类不同的工作文件 。 无论你选择哪种方法 , 重要的是要与你培养高效组织习惯的方法保持一致 。
Prioritize tasks efficiently
Learn how to separate the most urgent priorities from other important tasks. Use a chart to help you list out your objectives according to their urgency so you can stay on top of deadlines and remain productive, even if your workload increases.
学习将最紧急的优先任务与其他重要任务分开 。 根据目标的紧急性 , 使用图表一一列出 , 这样即使工作量增加 , 你也能在截止日期前完成任务 , 保持高效 。
Key points:
1 , contributes to 有助于
I expect you to sit there quietly respect your neighbor I expect you to contribute tothe learning environment.
我期待你们安静地坐在这里 , 尊重周围的同学,我期待你们都对学习环境有所贡献 。
2 , boost 推动 , 促进
Tax cuts will boostconsumer confidence after the recession.
减税将增强消费者在经济衰退后的信心 。
3 , prioritize 按优先顺序列出;优先考虑(处理)
The organization was formed to prioritizethe needs of older people.
这个机构是为优先满足老年人的需要而成立的 。

