into 芝兰争秀 鹤舞月江 | 花开富贵福寿延年刺绣四条屏鉴赏

刺绣是针线在织物上绣制的各种装饰图案的总称 。 刺绣分丝线刺绣和羽毛刺绣两种 。 就是用针将丝线或其他纤维、纱线以一定图案和色彩在绣料上穿刺 , 以绣迹构成花纹的装饰织物 。 它是用针和线把人的设计和制作添加在任何存在的织物上的一种艺术
Embroidery is a general term for various decorative patterns embroidered on fabrics by needles and threads. Embroidery is divided into silk thread embroidery and feather embroidery. It is a decorative fabric in which silk threads or other fibers and yarns are punctured with a certain pattern and color on the embroidery material with a needle to form a pattern with embroidery traces. It is the art of adding human design and fabrication to any existing fabric with needles and threads
刺绣 , 古代称之为针绣 , 是用绣针引彩线 , 将设计的花纹在纺织品上刺绣运针 , 以绣迹构成花纹图案的一种工艺 。 古代称“黹”、“针黹” 。
Embroidery, called needle embroidery in ancient times, is a process of using embroidery needles to draw colored threads, embroidering designed patterns on textiles, and using embroidery traces to form patterns. In ancient times, it was called "scorpion" and "needle spear".
into 芝兰争秀 鹤舞月江 | 花开富贵福寿延年刺绣四条屏鉴赏

刺绣是我国独特的传统工艺品 , 我国的刺绣有着悠久的历史 。 早在秦汉时期 , 刺绣的工艺技术就发展到较高的水平 , 它和丝绸是汉代封建经济的重要支柱 , 也是古代丝绸之路上对外输出的主要商品之一 。 它对纺织工艺技术和丰富世界的物质文明作出了重要的贡献 。
Embroidery is a unique traditional handicraft in my country, and embroidery in China has a long history. As early as the Qin and Han dynasties, the technology of embroidery developed to a high level. It and silk were the important pillars of the feudal economy of the Han Dynasty and one of the main commodities exported on the ancient Silk Road. It has made important contributions to textile technology and material civilization that enriches the world.
刺绣起源很早 。 黼黻絺绣之文 , 见于尚书 。 虞舜之时 , 已有刺绣 。 东周已设官专司其职 , 至汉已有宫廷刺绣 。 三国吴孙权使赵夫人绣山川地势军阵图 , 唐永贞元年(公元805年)卢眉娘以法华经七卷 , 绣于尺绢之上 , 因刺绣闻名 , 见于前者著录 。 自汉以来 , 刺绣逐渐成为闺中绝艺 , 有名刺绣家在美术史上也占了一席之地 。
Embroidery originated very early. At the time of Yu Shun, there was already embroidery. In the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, officials had been set up to perform their duties, and by the Han Dynasty, there had been palace embroidery. In the first year of Tang Yongzhen (AD 805), Lu Meiniang embroidered seven volumes of the Lotus Sutra on a silk silk. She is famous for her embroidery, and can be found in the former record. Since the Han Dynasty, embroidery has gradually become a unique art in the boudoir, and famous embroiderers have also occupied a place in the history of art.
into 芝兰争秀 鹤舞月江 | 花开富贵福寿延年刺绣四条屏鉴赏

古代礼服上刺绣纹饰 , 主要起源于原始氏族部落的图腾形象 , 以天上人间的自然景物为代表 。 我国最早的绣纹针法是锁绣 , 是由绣线环圈锁套而成 , 因其绣纹似一根锁链而得名 , 有的外观又像发辫 。 在3000多年前河南安阳殷墟妇好墓出土的铜角罩上黏附着菱形锁绣的残迹 。
The embroidery patterns on ancient dresses mainly originated from the totem images of primitive clans and tribes, represented by the natural scenery of heaven and earth. The earliest embroidery needle method in my country is lock embroidery, which is made of embroidery threads and loops. Remnants of diamond-shaped lock embroidery were adhered to the bronze horn cover unearthed from the Fuhao Tomb in Yin Ruins, Anyang, Henan more than 3,000 years ago.

