into 芝兰争秀 鹤舞月江 | 花开富贵福寿延年刺绣四条屏鉴赏( 二 )

into 芝兰争秀 鹤舞月江 | 花开富贵福寿延年刺绣四条屏鉴赏

此组绣屏绣仙鹤与花草 , 主题纹饰依次为花开富贵 , 喜鹤登兰 , 千岁鹤归 , 菊寿延年 , 以寓多福多寿 , 富贵如意、间以点缀春兰秋菊 , 四时花卉等纹样 , 更添喜庆吉祥 。 构图紧密确疏朗有秩 , 绣色典雅 , 针法多变而均匀齐整 , 堪称佳作 。
This group of embroidered screen embroidered cranes and flowers and plants, the theme decorations are flowers blooming and rich, happy cranes ascend to orchids, thousand-year-old cranes return, chrysanthemums and longevity, in order to express more blessings and longevity, wealth and happiness, and sometimes embellished with spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums, flowers in four seasons And other patterns, even more festive and auspicious. The composition is tight, clear and orderly, the embroidery colors are elegant, the stitches are varied and even and neat, and it can be called a masterpiece.
into 芝兰争秀 鹤舞月江 | 花开富贵福寿延年刺绣四条屏鉴赏

四条屏刺绣要求极高 , 首先每幅作品独互完整; 其次四幅作品又相互关联; 创作时应考虑起承转合等章法布局; 再次一般是由左向右排列 。
Four-screen embroidery requires extremely high requirements. First, each work is independent and complete; second, the four works are related to each other; when creating, we should consider the composition and layout of succession, transformation, etc.; thirdly, they are generally arranged from left to right.
into 芝兰争秀 鹤舞月江 | 花开富贵福寿延年刺绣四条屏鉴赏

into 芝兰争秀 鹤舞月江 | 花开富贵福寿延年刺绣四条屏鉴赏

into 芝兰争秀 鹤舞月江 | 花开富贵福寿延年刺绣四条屏鉴赏

刺绣在国外也享有很高的声誉 。 在外国人眼里 , 刺绣是中国文化艺术的代表之一
近两年国内的一些艺术品拍卖会上 , 刺绣拍品 , 价格竞现高攀 , 非常吸引买家竞争 。
Embroidery also enjoys a high reputation abroad. In the eyes of foreigners, embroidery is one of the representatives of Chinese culture and art
【into 芝兰争秀 鹤舞月江 | 花开富贵福寿延年刺绣四条屏鉴赏】In some domestic art auctions in the past two years, the price of embroidery items has been soaring, which is very attractive for buyers to compete.

