asked中考英语期末阅读理解专项练习3篇,赶紧练习!( 二 )

A. interested in
B. angry about
C. afraid of
D. unhappy with
9. The writer takes an example to show he is _______ the way the word is used.
A. pleased with
B. strange to
C. worried about
D. careful with
10. In the passage, the writer suggests (暗示)that the word “cool” ______.
A. can be used instead of many words
B. usually means something interesting
C. can make your life colourful
D. may not be as cool as it seems
Key: 6-10 CBACD

Channel 1
Channel 2
18:00 Around China
18:30 Children’s programme
19:00 News
19:30 Weather report
19:40 Around the world
20:10 TV play: Sisters
21:00 English for today
21:15 Popular music
21:55 Talk show
17:45 Computers today
18:10 Foreign arts
18:30 English classroom
19:00 Animal world
19:25 China’99
20:20 Sports
21:00 TV play: Guo Lanying
21:45 English news
22:06 On TV next week
11. If you want to watch a football game, the best programme for you would be _____.
A. TV play
B. Sports
C. Around the world
D. Talk show
12. The programme of ______ will let you know much about western countries.
A. Sisters
B. Around China
C. Around the world
D. On TV next week
13. If you want to know something about tigers, elephants and monkeys, the best programme for you is __________.
A. Around China
B. Animal world
C. TV play
D. Foreign arts
14. English classroom is a programme that _________.
A. lets you know something about classrooms
B. tells you something about students
C. lets you know something about school life
D. teaches you English
15. The programme at the end of Channel 2 means _______ on TV next week.
A. news
B. programmes
C. people
D. places
Key:11-15 BCBDB
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