文都文都教育整理:21年12月英语四级听力原文( 二 )

W: It's caused by both in fact [9]. We see more droughts in countries like Australia. Ducks are birds that feed and breed in areas where there is a lot of water, but their habitats have been shrinking in recent decades because of the droughts.
M: And I guess with fewer places to inhabit, they concentrate in greater numbers in few areas, which surely makes them easier targets for the hunters.
W: It does. My grandfather was a duck hunter. He told me hunting ducks and geese began in the 19th century. They were easily found and plentifully available food source in farming areas, especially for poor immigrants.
M: What do they use for hunting during that period?
W: They use new types of guns, and birds could easily be shot down in flight, and in such great numbers that commercial hunting of ducks and geese became an industry. Yet, there's no commercial farming of these birds nowadays. Their meat is hardly eaten in western countries [10].
M: No, duck hunting seemingly exists as the continuation of a tradition.
W: Well, ducks have never been popular with farmers like my grandfather anyway because they sometimes destroy crops. In fact, farmers used to poison them in large numbers [11].
M: That somehow doesn't surprise me. Nobody places much value on the lives of these poor birds or on their meat.
Question 8 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Q8: What does the woman find unbelievable?
Q9: What does the woman say has caused the shrinking of ducks' habitats in Australia?
Q10: Why is there no commercial farming of ducks and geese in western countries?
Q11: What does the woman say about farmers in her grandfather's time?
Long Conversation 2
M: Okay, Miss Bright. I finished calculating. I estimate you have between 210 and 240 square meters of walls and ceiling.
W: So how much would the pain job cost?
M: That would depend on the quality of paint you choose. We carry two brands -one cost 60 cents every square meter, and the other 90 cents. The second is guaranteed to look great for about 10 years, whereas the cheaper one will start to dull after around 6 or 7 years.
W: In that case, we would prefer the more expensive option.
M: All right, then. So including labor costs, taxes, and everything, this job would come to $3,000.
W: Emm, to be perfectly honest, that's more than I expected.
M: Please bear in mind that the price includes moving all the furniture, and the whole task would take 2 days.
W: Really? Why?
M: Well, we can't paint the walls without clearing all the furniture first. So every time we paint a room, we first have to move the furniture to another room. So that takes more time. Plus, it requires two people, which works out more expensive.
W: I see. But does that mean I could not live here in my own house during those 2 days [13]?
M: That is correct.
W: Oh well, that changes everything I'm afraid. I would have to stay with a friend or check into a hotel [14]. I hadn't considered any of that. I'm starting to realize that painting my house [12] is far more troublesome than I had anticipated [15].
M: This is usually the case. Most of our clients go through the same realization.
W: I see.
M: You have my number. Please feel free to call me for any further questions.
W: Thank you.
Question 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Q12: What is the woman planning to do?
Q13: What is the woman's chief concern?
Q14: What does the woman have to do while the paint job is being done?
Q15: What has the woman come to realize at the end of the conversation?
Section C
Passage 1
Homework is an important part of schooling, but the purposes of giving children homework will change as they grow older. Q16: At the primary level, the main aim is to cultivate good habits, like learning to plan and exercising self discipline. During the secondary school years, extending what is learned at school is positively related to academic achievement. So the content of homework becomes more important. So how can you help your child do their best? Q17: Creating an ideal working environment will make it easier for them to get down to their assignments quickly. Make sure it's free of distractions. And for primary school children at least somewhere near you. So you can answer questions and offer encouragement. You probably have to help younger children plan their session. But it's important that by the end of primary school, it's second nature get them to tell you everything they have to do, then encourage them to establish an order in which they do work. Q18: When there are several different assignments, make sure they begin with one they enjoy. So it seems easy to get started. It's best to take on the most difficult task second. Once they're settled, but before they get tired, if older children have more than an hour of homework, encourage them to schedule a short break to stretch. If you encourage them to tell you what they've learned, they'll absorb the information more deeply and remember it more readily.

