
Adam and Even lived to be very old 。They had many children 。Their children had children 。Very many children were born 。They were all like Adam and Eve 。
They could not be holy 。They could not know God 。
Adam亚当和Eve夏娃生活了很久 他们有很多孩子 他们的孩子也有了孩子 很多孩子出生了
他们都喜欢Adam和Eve 他们不再是圣洁的 他们不知道上帝
People grew more and more evil 。
Men were not true to their wives 。People hurt and killed each other 。People did many wrong things 。
人们变得越来越邪恶 夫妻之间也不再诚实 人们互相伤害和杀戮 人们做错了很多事
One man still cared about God 。
He did some wrong things 。He could not help it 。But he tried to be holy 。His name was Noah 。Noah’s wife tried to do right 。
His sons tried to do right 。Their wives tried to do right 。They were the only family in the world who cared about God 。
还有一个人关心上帝 他做错过一些事 他不能改变这一点 但是他尝试着去变得圣洁 他的名字是Noah(诺亚) Noah的妻子尝试着去做正确的事情 他的儿子也尝试着去做正确的事情 儿子们的妻子也尝试着去做正确的事情 他们是世界上最后一家关心上帝的人
God grew tired of the evil 。
He decided to destroy the evil people 。
上帝对邪恶厌倦了 他决定毁灭邪恶的人类
God had promised to send a Son 。This Son would make people holy again 。
This Son could not come if God destroyed all people 。People would never know God again then 。God chose to save Noah and his family 。
上帝答应过派遣一个儿子(到人间) 。这个儿子会让人们再次恢复纯洁 但是如果所有的人们都被毁灭了 这个儿子就无法被派遣了 人们也永远不会再知道上帝的存在了 所以上帝选择了诺亚和他的家庭
God spoke to Noah 。
It was unusual for God to speak to a man 。He told Noah to make a ship 。Noah had never seen a ship 。God told him how to make it 。
上帝对诺亚说话了 上帝一般不跟人说话的 他告诉诺亚造一条船 诺亚从来没见过船 上帝告诉了他怎么做
Noah believed what God said 。He started to make a large ship 。
He made it of wood 。He worked for many years 。He was an old man when he got done 。
诺亚相信了上帝所说的 他开始造一条大船 他使用木头来制造 他花费了很多年
等到他玩成的时候 他已经是个老人了
Noah told people they should care about God 。
He told them they should do right 。He said God would send a flood 。They would die in the flood 。The only hope was his ship 。
The people did not believe 。They did not get on the ship 。
诺亚告诉人们他们应该关心上帝 他说他们应该做正确的事 他说上帝会制造一场洪水 他们会死 唯一的希望是他的船 但是人们不相信他 他们没有上船
Noah took every kind of animal into the ship 。
He took very much food 。He and his family went into the ship 。God shut the ship’s door 。
诺亚把每一种动物弄上船 他吃的很饱 然后他的她的家人上船了 上帝把船的门关上了
God sent a very big flood 。
It rained 。Water came up out of the ground 。God made new water and sent it from Heaven 。Water covered the whole earth 。It even covered the mountains 。
Every person and animal outside the ship died 。
上帝制造了一场大洪水 天上在下雨 水平面上升到地面之上 上帝制造了新的水并从天堂把它撒下 水掩盖了整个地面 甚至是山脉 船外面的每一个人和动物都死了
God made the water go away 。
Noah and his family came out of the ship 。They killed an animal 。The animal was to pay for the wrong they had done 。
上帝撤走了洪水 诺亚和他的家庭下船了 他们杀死了一个动物 这个动物为他们做错的事情赎罪了

