Let’s all wish the best for the 2008 Olympic games in Beijing 。
Thanks for your listening。
Well, I am so lazy that I am not writing this speech myself 。I have to cheat and ask somebody else write this for me 。Why am I so lazy? When I am just so stupid, that is why? Do I deserve to be in school to be a student to learn? No, of course I do not deserve this 。
My seat should be vacated and allow other student more eager to learn and hard working 。What do I deserve? Well, I believe I deserve to be sent to work in the farm 。
So that I can relearn what it is required of a brainless lazy person, only good enough to work in the field 。
「辽宁龙网」www.liaoninglong.com小编还为您精选了以下内容,希望对您有所帮助:- 让子弹飞中的日本演员表。看清楚是日本演员表,谢谢哪位朋友帮帮我。
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