1. winner
2. victor
MAST vanquisher gainer conqueror top dog conqueringly
1. 我希望马上宣布胜利者的名字 。
I hope to announce the winner shortly.
2. 即使在胜负极为接近的选举当中,多数民意测验人员都测出了胜利者 。胜负差距往往与点票结果接近 。测验失误的人也所差微乎其微 。
Even in closely contested elections, most of the pollsters have called the winners, often by margins close to vote tally. And the pollsters who missed were off by a hair.
3. 他把失望抛在一边,微笑着赞扬胜利者 。
【胜利者英文单词怎么写?】Putting aside his disappointment, he smiled and praised the winner.
4. 我们要不要改变立场,加入胜利者的行列呢?
Shall we turn our coats, and join the victors?
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