Health|COVID-19 was “most likely” first transmitted via natural origins:Fauci

【Health|COVID-19 was “most likely” first transmitted via natural origins:Fauci】
Health|COVID-19 was “most likely” first transmitted via natural origins:Fauci

Dr. Anthony Fauci was quoted by American media Rolling Stone as saying that he and other experts in the field believe COVID-19 was “most likely” first transmitted via natural origins, meaning from animal to human and was not created and leaked from a lab. Other scientists also speak out against the politicized COVID-19 origin-tracing. “We should understand the picture in that sense, and not be naive about it. We’re in a place where politics is driving people’s scientific understanding in a dangerous way,” said Dr. Matthew M. Kavanagh, director of the Global Health Policy & Politics Initiative at Georgetown University.

