morning call是什么意思

morning call是叫醒电话的意思 。
【morning call是什么意思】拓展资料
1、Can you give me a morning call, please?
2、I want a morning call tomorrow.
明天早上我需要唤醒服务 。
3、Could you give me a morning call at8 o 'clock tomorrow morning?
4、I am going to Beijing early tomorrow morning, so I would like to request an early morning call.
我打算明天一早去北京 。因此我想要求一个唤醒电话 。
5、How do I about getting a morning call?
6、Hello. I want to fix a morning call.
喂,我想预订唤醒电话 。
7、I would like to have a morning Call at8:00 in the morning.
我要早上8:00设定电话叫醒 。
8、Could you please make morning call at00?
9、You may dial "0" to place a morning call with the operator.
你可以拨打“0”在总机登记叫醒服务 。
10、He asks for morning call service.
他要求早晨唤醒服务 。
11、Please give me a morning call at seven.
明早请在7点叫醒我 。
12、If you need the morning call, please inform the counter of hotel.
如果您需要叫起床,只要告知饭店柜台 。
13、What kind of morning call would you like, by phone or by knocking on the door?

