off the menu 什么意思

释义:关闭菜单(应用名,Off The Menu)不在菜单上 。
As we inhale the delicious aromas, we might think we are as hungry as a bear and could eat a horse, and then order too much food off the menu.
当我们闻到美味的芳香时,我们可能会认为自己饿得像熊一样,可以吃下一匹马,然后点了太多菜单上的食物 。
menu菜单;菜单,选单 。

off the menu 什么意思

Sorry, sir, it has been taken off the menu.
对不起,先生,这道菜已经从菜单上取消了 。
Shanghai aims to take wildlife off the menu.
【off the menu 什么意思】上海将禁止餐饮业提供野生动物菜肴 。
Fish has been taken off the menu.
菜单上已把鱼取消了 。
If love and romance have been off the menu, start practicing your pucker!

