现在我知道为什么裤子应该设计成骑行的 , 因为没有人牵着我的手 , 一个人走来走去 。
Now I know why trousers should be designed for cycling, because there is no one to hold my hand and I walk around alone.
当我在梦里梦见你时 , 疼得厉害 , 但我睁不开眼睛 。
When I dreamed about you in my dream, it hurt so much, but I couldn't open my eyes.
我看过最残酷的小说就是和你的聊天记录 。
The cruelest novel I've ever read is my chat with you.
不埋怨任何人 , 不嘲笑任何人 , 不羡慕任何人 , 在阳光下奔跑 , 做自己的梦 , 走自己的路!
Don't blame anyone, don't laugh at anyone, don't envy anyone, run in the sun, do their own dreams, go their own way!
你真的想坐这辆车 , 但是这辆车写了一句所有人都认为最悲伤的话?
Do you really want to ride in this car, but it says the saddest thing anyone can think of?
总有一天我会无声无息的离开你 。 你错过了很多 。 我总是一个人难过 。
One day I will leave you without sound. You missed a lot. I am always sad alone.
让曾经的温柔继续温暖不再火热的心 。
Let once gentle continue to warm no longer hot heart.
既然选择了离开 , 你想让我怎么重新开始?
How do you expect me to start over when I left?
你让我看到了天堂 , 让我亲手下了地狱 。
You showed me heaven, and you sent me to hell.
有时候 , 你可以为一个人做任何事 , 但你不能做得比别人更好 。
Sometimes, you can do anything for a person, but you can't do it better than someone else.
数着门前的落叶 , 听着窗外的雨声 , 这一次涉水而过的声音 , 你的心是否还被雨水打湿?
Counting the leaves in front of the door, listening to the rain outside the window, this time the wading voice, your heart is still wet by the rain?
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