第二条规则是解决问题:这是自我实现的第二步 , 也就是解决问题 。光有疑惑是不够的 , 还要能用心去解决问题 。因为问题有大有小 , 难有易 , 解决问题的时间也不同 。解疑的过程就是促进自我实现的过程 。对于中医的问题 , 解决的办法无非是几个点 , 或者结合各种观点 , 穷尽道理;或临床实验来证明真相;或深入思考以明确目的 。其实就是通过提问来促进思考 。这种思维必然伴随着进步 。思考得越多 , 进步就越大 。大疑惑大进步 , 小疑惑小进步 。解决问题的过程往往是一个比较痛苦但也是快乐的过程 。心因疑惑而停滞 , 想弄清楚是极容易的 。但是 , 医学往往比较复杂 , 一眼看不懂 。因此 , 需要很长时间才能解决 , 有时甚至需要几年时间 。但是心里还是有疑惑的 , 一直在看书和测试 。随着问题的逐渐解决 , 我心中的压抑也逐渐清晰起来 , 这种感觉 , 不沉迷的人是无法理解的 。有一天 , 我突然明白了 , 那就是像醍醐一样 , 上上下下都透彻 , 只想手舞足蹈 。正如他的幸福一样 , 他的收入也必须如此 。如果我能经常有这种解决医疗困惑的喜悦 , 我想我几乎会有所收获 。
三原则 , 疑惑与开悟:学医的目的是开悟 。启蒙是一种豁然开朗的感觉 , 医学理论没有停滞 , 对临床证据的认识清晰明了 。领悟是自己的心 , 与他人无关 。Zen has aof " ", which I think isthe same as the self- of . Once the mind is , oneand one , and theis .can be big or small,and deep. With theof,are , andis born from this. After a few , I, and there was anrealm ofand . The realm ofmay seem , but in fact, everyinhasthis realm. If thesaint Zhangis well- in, and hehis own sixtothe , he must be a man of . Even like manyin the Ming and Qing ,can be, and it takesto reach this state. There is a way to , andmust arise from doubt. , doubt is the key to . Theis , and it hastoof . Toa, you must have a lot of , and then you can make a lot of ,there is no other way. , a realoften needsbiga very high state. I have beenfor more than ten years, but Ifeel that I am stuck in my heart, and I have not been able to fullywhat I have . As I kept , , and , Igot rid of my , andclear from my . A few years ago, I was able to get a big . This kind ofis likethe day in the dark night, withup and down, left and right. But afterit, I was still , and then Iagain, and thenthe , andagain, so I wasto.
inmust beand , and must. ,for more than ten years,of the path,the , andthebooks of later , will be like a, and will. At this time, nohowandit is, it isto "die under the " and notit in life. The 's , , andis veryhere, and it isto getthe door first. In short,and , eager to ask. Those who study , first put ain the pre-Qin , it must be an. Then, I wasto seek, gave up my heart andabout , and put in somework. After a few years, Idue to ,, andaof. ,wholife and deathmust not be , or they must not be .is like no other anda, which is ahard work.
The Fourof
Like, itnot only , but alsoastate. Theof each level will beby theof the realm.start with this, step by step,and , and use it in, and then , andaof.
1、Learn TCM
is the first step. To be able to see a , you must first learn basicof, but suchnot be aimed atexams ora , , you will not be able to learn real .is not just aboutwhat is in books, but also what is not in books, which is. In this way, we can not only learn what isin the , but also learn what isthe . Not only know what the book, but also know thethe book. It's a long , but a veryone. This is not .
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