Eight :
It is aforand's fate. It is often based on a 's , month, day, and time as atothestars and , and to's fate . , such as Ziwei , Bazi,, etc.
This means that a 'sare notby one's self-, but arefrom,on, or, etc.suchareand do noton. After all, there are even . If aisto this kind ofpower, heneeds towith the outer , and his ownis. In the final , it will be a fate that no one can save,there may not be.and , it may be lost.
Asura Road
One of the six paths of ,only to the Tao ofand Human, andthan the Tao of .to , thewho were born in this path are,of their , but they are proud, , , and very angry.is also very . In fact,in this way is nothappy.
Theof Pure Land , the sound oflike, which cansound wave ,in the body, open the , air , , andthe body. , The role of,thein the mouth,to the sound ofthein the ear, can alsothe mind,on the quiet, is theway of , but also the mostandway to .see the .
say thatto a point where thein the body can beand , as if there is apill in it, that is, theofandof a . , from the point of view ofand , this kind ofbe foundorwith the naked eye, but can only be seen from the 's "inner " .
One of theused in,made ofiron (-iron ). When it comes to , it is handy, and theis . Indays, thehas , and someare used to grind into a vajra, which is also very .
一个人的身体,除了本有的灵魂以外,还被其他的灵魂体所占据、依附的意思 。在民间宗教里面,附身是非常普遍的现象,但是并不是一个很好的现象,原因是身体容易被窃据了 。
就是「附身」的另一种讲法,比较文雅,比较正式,民间宗教里面通常是指「神明」来附到中间人(乩童、灵媒、通灵人)身上之意 。
(3)可以是一种力量,足以改变到基本的结构组织,而造成外相的截然改变,如法术、法力等等 。
即是五眼里面的一个仅次於佛眼的层次 。在法眼层次的人们,同时具有天眼和慧眼的功能,不仅仅能够看见事实,也能看清其来龙去脉,同时本身的能量够大,还能够介入事物的根本结构里面,去造成事实的改变;就是说,具有质能互换、神通变化的功能,大陆气功界则称是有搬运功能,能够凭空变化一些东西出来,也能将一些东西凭空变化出去,或用意志力搬移到不同地方 。法眼的层次已经相当高了,但是仍然有缺点,就是还是执着於自我,所有的能量还是来自於自我,跟整个自然还未完全融合,所以还是无法逃脱於自然的业力,有必要再往上一层,进入佛眼层次,才能真正解脱 。订阅号:道衍天下
本身带有,或能够导致强大力量的一种专门技术(或称艺术?),如手印、咒语、观想、及各种仪式等等,能够让事物产生根本的改变,而外人却无法察觉是「如何的」改变 。可叁看魔法条 。
由修行人(如和尚、道士、祭师、法师、巫士、魔法师等)在修行、开坛、作法时所使用的器物,就叫作法器 。
(1)原本是指一群人的聚会,并由有经验的成就者(过来人)依其自己亲身修行的经验,以及所采取的各种修行方法的优劣、好坏,讲给有心向道的初学者、还未成就者来听,并鼓励他们也能早日成就 。谈论修行方法的聚会,就叫法会 。
(2)流到末世,常常变成对某尊神佛的纪念大会,或是对某位已成就者的追思大会,或是对某些特定日子的纪念聚会而已,形式崇拜、繁文缛节多於谈法,只重仪式,不论真修行的方法了 。
(3)指一群修行人聚会在一起,为超渡孤魂野鬼、冤亲债主所行的法事等等 。(4)也有许多较不入流的团体,常常假借办法会之名,而行财之实 。
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