种豆得豆,种瓜得瓜,因是果 。在佛教思想中,很多事情都被认为是有因果关系的 。
有些病,多看名医无效,药石无效 。往往归咎于前世种下的恶因,只有今生才会患上疾病 。解决因果问题的方法通常始于解开“邪恶的原因” 。但谁知道前世发生了什么?有的可以用催眠来回溯前世,有的则靠通灵者的话来解释,因此被骗的人不在少数 。
台湾人,见养小鬼 。(1)一个孩子灵魂的名字;(2)一个专门饲养和控制小鬼的人的名字 。
三界之一,欲界之上,此界众生尚有男女相,无男女之欲,故名形界 。
有一群人有共同的思想、行为、习惯、做法等,从而形成一种能量惯性,从而导致共同的局面 。在同业的命运下,个体往往无法逃脱,也无法独自生存 。
台语发音为“” 。在民间宗教中,孩子们往往会进入一种恍惚状态,让神灵通过肉身将自己的意志传达给信徒 。基本上,一桐可以说是众神的代言人,是台湾特产的一种通灵者 。但是,由于身份特殊,讲话分量重,一些人经常跳“假”,利用神的意志来实现自己的个人欲望,这也给基层社会造成了很多问题 。严格来说,孩子的心理行为以及它所传达的神灵是真是假,还有很多地方需要讨论 。
指适合小时候的特殊体质 。通常身体的能量不能太充足,频率也不能太高 。俗话说“精神更轻”,很容易被“隐形”(神?鬼?鬼?)附身 。一般来说,孩子比大人更适合,女人比男人更容易,弱者比强者更适合,不够理性的人,容易接受暗示,容易因为简单而行动的人他们的信仰和没有读过很多书的人很容易被视为白痴 。
The, which is the same as the"", is also a kind of, which is to , , anda 'suntil they canon the. It is also a way ofto.
Itto thethat areby somewhoseare not very , the means are not open and , anddo harm to . Same as , , and black magic.
See also the Hex Laws.
to the " body"by some non-human , , , and .there is no human , it is moreand weird, and the harm will be morethan thethat arefrom . very.
see thebar.
It isthe same as a , but with, and if it does bad , it will do more harm.
This is ain,to somein the world.
Seven :
to theby the ,how totheir innerandto theofa ;iswith the truth; .
to theand sectsby , and then has , , , , , etc., just like, units, , etc. Note thatdoes not equal ;andare .
's Eye
Thelevel of theof the five eyes isthelevel. In this state, one hasa , one has, one has, and one hasinto . There is noanand the. One is , andis one. Ancan use theof the, so he has the most.
Feng Shui,terms, in short, is aof .with thinand low qi count, as well asin air vents and , are easy to be , which will have anon theirand .
Evil, evil ,means,to harm , bad, dark, , , is a kind ofof evil.
body (agroup) thatand harms human , which may be human or non-human.
Evil law
for, the same asand black .
(1) to anlight andgroup;
(2) to thethat anthingto ;
(3) to theandthat ahas, which makesor .
In thetribe, men within the tribe can helpheal, , solve , curse, pray for , rain,, find , etc., and enjoy theof . A term for a class ofpower or . It isto the so- , mages,,and so on in.
Look at the,are .
byand .
A spell cast byand .
Going crazy
This is ainarts , , and somein theand lakes. It is said that if, it will lead tosuch asand . In fact, theandarelarge. La. As aof fact, to go crazy is to go , and to get into a demon is just toabit of , toabit ofand. For, if they want to go crazy, I amthey are not . As long as you grasp the "", "" and "", don't "guide the qi with your mind", and don't use your ownto guide theof the qi,there will be noofinto the devil.
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