In some , afterat home on the first day of the new year, they also go to thehall totheir . There are alsowho go to the grave totheir ,known as tomb ,,, andat the grave. Intimes, it istoat theof .FoodIn the, since theday of thelunar month,will be busyfood for the New Year. Since it takes a long time tobacon, it must beas soon as . Manyin myhave theofbacon, among whichis the most .rice cakes havea must-have food for everydue to the"Nian Gao" and their ever- . Theof rice cakes are -and white rice cakes,gold and , andtheof aNew Year. The taste of rice cakesfrom place to to eat redrice cakes,fruit rice cakes and white rice cakes made of Jiang orrice. Hebeilike to steam the , red bean and mung bean in the rice cake. Inand Inner , it isto eat fried rice cakes withrice flourtheNew Year, and some arewith bean paste andpaste. The rice cakes in the north aresweet,or fried; the rice cakes in the south are both sweet and salty. For , the rice cakes inandare made ofrice and have a bland taste. Intoand , it can also be??and fried orin soup. The sweet rice cakes are made ofrice flour, sugar, lard, rose, , mint, plainand other . The nightthe realNew Year isNight. Thewho are away from home have to rush home fromof miles away.ofhave to sitand makefor the New Year. Theiswithwraps. Theis : meat, eggs, ,, etc. can be . Theway to eatis to cook them in clean water, then pick them up and mix them with ,, andoil. Soy sauce as ato eat.
There are also fried , fried() and other ways to eat. Since the word "和" in theis theof "合"; the "" and "jiao" ofare , and "he" and "jiao" have theof , so theare used toand ; Theof the new year is very ; in ,thearelike ,theNew Year alsotheof "and ". The wholeto make , and theNew Year is full of joy. Theis a grand andwith many . Theof theare also. I hope goodcan bedown fromto . After all, this is anpart of theof the!3:onFolkinandFolk -------onFolkinEachhas its ownfolk , which isand canonelocaland.are theof, and theis the mostof the. , with theof the times and theofon, more and morefolkareby ,in The taste has faded inyears. Theof the folkof thecan give us aof theof a . I am from , , so Iaon thein my , andandout thefolk ,to giveaof. It's a lot of fun tothethat eachto us.
Sincetimes, thehave had theofthe. Theofof years has shown theof .usetothe .isin theofin theRiver Basin. With a long , it hasa rich andfolk . Toenter the, itstart from a young age. In the north, the 23rd day of thelunar month is, also known as theandKing . It is said that on this day, theLord willto the Jadethe good and evil of the . So early in the ,put the New Yearon the stove king'snext to the stove andthem. Whenthe stove, the Kanto sugar waswith fire andon the mouth of the stove king, so that he could not speak ill of the Jade . In , we must eaton this day, and send them off tothe. In our , thethat are just out of the potbein three bowls in front ofKing, andaretoKing and his Two . If the new year is theandof the whole, then after the new year,start to getbusy. There is athat "the - day of thelunar month,andthe house","dust" and "chen" are , so the New Year's dustalso has a newof dust- cloth. In these days,clean their homesand clean them. All kinds of ,and, , etc. Not only to clean the house to, but also to sweep away thepoor luck and bad luck, andtheof the.this time,will also be busy with all kinds of New Year's goods.
So theare full of smallfrom,to all kinds of food. In rural areas, it is moreto catch the New Year's Fair. At this time, the wholewill go outto buy New Year's goods and new .will also try their best to meet theof their . In , when, nohow much more thehasBowls and , for theof the , I buy a few every. Theare full of , full ofand . In the , there were noin the old days, so the best time to kill pigs isthe. First, it is . , theis theat this time, so it can befor a long time. Thefood in the north is pasta, so there is a habit ofa few pots ofbuns and bean bags intheNew order toand look good, somebuns are also ,tobuns,and so on. When I was a child,mybunstheNew Year, I would also make someof buns for funof my own . Now, when I help makebuns, I don't have thetime. The New Year's Eve will soonin the . , the 30th day of the new year isNew Year's Eve. There is an"New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve". But this year, there is an . Thelunar month has only -nine days in a leap year, so New Year's Eve had to be moved . In ,will get up early on theof New Year's Eve to beat the pulp and paste the. The so- pulp is some flour paste, which is a goodafter . It is used to stick the, and it will not fall off for a year.
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