占卜的套路 塔罗有两种,大阿克娜和小阿克是最原始的( 八 )

魔法师右手执权杖,指天,左手指地,代表着力量的交换和精神的馈赠 。魔术师的脚底是玫瑰和百合花,代表着人类的动机,反映上帝的旨意,指挥天地 。玫瑰代表生命,百合代表死亡 。魔法师是第一张牌,这也暗示着你自己就是魔法师,可以操纵宇宙的力量 。Story 2 The white robea pure heart, and thecloaktheof the 's . 2.The"" A wiseor woman who can make a good . This holy ,anda book in her hand,that she is full of , so she can restthat she will .:inner,that thewill , deep , keen ,.: too clean, , , short-, high self-,, , . 3.Queen "" Thequeen sits on anandchair,by a dense ,a ,. There is a heartthe chair, it seems It is she who has the heart to give you theselands and ,love, and yoube .: , , , , fulllife, good , , art,with ,, .: , lack of self-, loose,to solve ,to see ,about ,,with.
4.The"" Thewho sits on theto be full of . Of , he can kill and seize,theand the , and lead theto . As the ruler of a , he is also a role model for his . , how can hehis ?: Glory, power, , ,will,of goals,,.: , , , , , ,self-, lack of , weak will, . 5.The Pope "aids" him as aand. It willfind afor us, and hisandwillus not to goandon the path ofourandwhat is right and what is wrong in the past.when you feel , he ishappy toto your .: , , ,from a, good ,,the rules, .: Wrong ,, , aid is ,be ,are used, and they are . 6. "come " There is a man and a woman on earth, and thein the sky bless them. To match theof this man and woman, even thewill help, Itheir love will be very happy.: , love, , ,, charm,.: Can't stand , , ,, , , fancy dress, .
7.The"" Thesat on the ,by twoin front, andready to go out. Theis a place full ofand traps. Only with awill andcan you winof miles away. ,theis sure to win.:with , ,, , self-, , self-, young man, , good luck in .:, , ,the rules,to ,men,, bad ,and . 8.Power "will" A girl who seemsand full of,tamed a lion! Herandare truly .to an, he 't evenhalf a stepto a lion. This is truly "a brave manfear".: Bold ,, new , greatpoint, ,with ,woman.: , lose to the ,,toandsense, give up, vain, , . 9. "Seek" :FactstoEnjoy , Lose ,,AvoidLife Anti:, HateToo muchleads to , , notforPlans go awrycan’t beAis11. “”andValueHelp the weaksense ofAnti1 2.Theman "" is self-, trial, , , , out of the worst state, , lack of ,, self- plan, , dying ,to solve the , , ,1< @3.死神「结束」 正事件的结束激烈变化残局与过去告别绝交或败北惯用的想法或伎俩不合时宜暂时告别反新的开始重新在来挣脱窘境焕然一新改变想法重生14.节制「净化」 正自我控制中立立场良好的家庭控制得宜的态度重视实际克制欲望便能达成愿望反无法压抑情绪丧失信用失去朋友浪费时间和金钱欲望过多没有看清世界险恶不长进15.恶魔「诱惑」 正事情严重受阻误入歧途意志薄弱沉迷情欲遭人欺骗犯罪被朋友出卖圈套和阴谋堕落妄想诅咒反解脱束缚离开坏朋友拒绝邪恶的诱惑情况好转忘掉仇恨16.塔「毁灭」 正意外的灾难危险失败名誉受损意想不到的事骄傲自大情况急转直下失去一切反事故或麻烦轻松地解决小灾难背黑锅事故或麻烦留下后遗症17.星星「希望] 正光明的未来希望美丽丰收尽心的奉献纯真的爱情信任努力有了成果意外之财反事情过度发展失望多管闲事自作多情单相思失落感缺乏制造力18.月亮「不安」 正迷茫动摇背叛肤浅恐怖丑闻错误的知识家庭的牺牲被骗不稳定的收入反改变去除困难不必要的担心多愁善感直觉应验身体好转认清对方真面目19.太阳「生命」 20.审判「复活」 21.世界「达成」 正位置的意思:达成、志气高昂、幸福、达至顶峰、成功 。
逆位置的意思:不顺利、不安现状、不成熟、烦恼不断、无法达成 。塔罗牌(小阿卡纳)所有牌意解释一、金杯、圣餐杯、红心牌金杯1:家庭生活的幸福 。其他一些相关的牌将为它注入更多的内涵,因而我们可以看到宾客的来访、搬家、争吵架、宴席和聚会 。金杯2:成功和好运,但细心和专心是获得它们的必要条件 。金杯3:轻率、鲁莽的决定会给良好的事业带来厄运 。金杯4:不容易说服的人,未婚男子或未婚女子,推迟的婚姻 。金杯5:毫无根据的,嫉妒,缺乏果断误了大事,而且逃避责任 。金杯6:轻信 。你容易被骗,特别是被不只得信任的同伴欺骗 。金杯7:善变和食言 。要提防过分乐观的朋友或没有主见的熟人 。金杯8:令人愉快的公司和良好的友谊,聚会和有计划的庆祝活动 。金杯9:梦里和愿望实现,好运和财富 。金杯10:家庭幸福,或许能得到预料之外的成功与好消息 。金杯男仆:一个永久的亲密朋友,或许是分别很久的童年朋友、初恋情人 。金杯骑士:一个假朋友,一个来自远方的陌生人、勾引者,应把握当前的命运 。金杯皇后:一个忠诚、钟情的女人,温柔大方,惹人怜爱 。金杯国王:一个诚实、善意的男子,但容易草率的作出决定,因此不是一个可以依赖的人,也不要指望从他那里得到有益的忠告 。

