命里有此特征的人,一生利官近贵,富贵两全( 九 )

The eightare happy andto the . When they meet theland, this year will be , and theyear will be close to the horse star.
the year of the , there may be aor otherin the .
In the year of the , there may be aor otherin thethis year.
There may be aor otherin thethis year.
Thestage horse likes to use the gods in place. This year, there are many happysuch asor job ,and .
When I meet a stage horse in theyear, there are manyor jobor majorthis year, and there are manyfortrips.
Theyear is the day Lord Ludi, this year is, and there are happy .
year likes to use the gods in place, this year is happy,in , orand;
years ofandon the side of : great luck. Scope:to get rich,for ,help, andfrom .
The bad luck ofanddown, as if the threeare, the ship does not dock in the ocean, tensee ninesad.
bitesmercy,act, notpietybutpiety , tearsdown your face in theof the night.
36、1984 (Jiazi):
"Theareand the night is , theis , and theare happy and happy." This year is lucky to come,goes , and theare now , but they must be welland be . ( beats the ,kill the body, I amit will be an ?)
When you meetinyears, you can get help from . (A lot of, even if you, you willin ,will help!)
Theyears arethe , and this year is not good for theor the sixof the .
the year of the , there may be aor otherin the .
yearandthan : small . Scope: , , , , canor , and there is a sign ofin .
Theof being sick isofmoney. If you don't lose the ,will make aplan,the fish head andyou to .that thewill not cause .
is lucky in Liuhe, go out to seekand , addtoand give birth to,and happy to be ,is , andis .
In those days when I met Liuhe,was easy, I addedand , and there were many noblein and out.
37、1985 (Yi Chou):
“分明月在梅枝上 , 寻得梅花月影无” , 此年吉凶参半 , 凡事宜忍 , 不可冲动 , 言必有信 , 艰苦耐劳 。
三支害一支 , 此年工作上易有不尽人意之事或有其他不顺 。
正官透出为喜用, 遇伤官流年且伤官为忌神, 应预防此年有伤灾或官非口舌之争 。(生意交往不顺 , 谋划安排落空 , 有喜而不真)
流年伤坐官杀:凶兆 。范围:官灾(丢官、官司、口舌)、失业、病灾、伤残 , 辛苦不绝 , 有恩亦无功 , 且遭人非议、毁谤 , 甚至冤狱 , 夫妻有离别之兆 。
太岁当头有灾祸 , 刑冲破害鬼推磨 , 流年若还逢忌神 , 头破血流难躲过 。
太岁行年运不通 , 营业余本落场空 , 家中不吉犯小人 , 要有喜孝可能冲 。
“云来樵子速归路 , 水大鱼翁失钓钩” , 此年见好即收 , 不然事业受挫 , 防止异性交往上的纠缠和误会麻烦 , 先凶后吉 。
身弱遇偏财流年 , 此年求财欲望强烈 , 为钱财奔波劳累 , 还要防因女人惹事 。
流年财坐食伤:吉兆 。范围:富裕、事业有成、多才多艺 , 他人失败 , 反变为自己之利 。
红鸾原是天喜星 , 逄吉发动必迎亲 , 男逢财神女逢官 , 不现婚嫁也添丁 。
太阳原是火凤凰 , 男命逢之喜洋洋 , 不现婚喜现财喜 , 女命逢之病苦长 。
“乌江水亦鸣孤愤 , 蜀道山多诉不平” , 此年要提防小人 , 处处留意 , 有疾厄孝服临身 , 恐怕有人兴灾乐祸!
流年与大运天克地冲, 工作有升迁或调动之事 , 同时工作、出行宜小心谨慎 , 亦防不利 。也有部分命例遇吉利之动 。

