“寒风吹入寒窗 , 草枯叶黄” , 这一年喜忧参半 , 别自作多情 , 善待他人 。
流年相逢桃花 , 这一年异性关系多 , 与异性交往的方式要妥善处理 , 防患于未然 。
用官泄是一种快乐 , 伤官转瞬即逝 , 伤官是嫉妒之神 。应防止今年出现伤病灾难或官官争执 。(业务关系不顺 , 计划安排不成功 , 有喜而不实)
坐坐吃伤流年:大恶 。适用范围:官灾(失职、官司、诙谐)、失业、疾病、残疾、无休止的辛勤工作、屡屡发生的事件、亲人反目 。
丧门原本是扫帚星 。
悲伤被运气压倒 , 我怕马虎生气 。
“风雨皆吉祥 , 万紫千红常春” 。今年 , 加人、引进 , 既是利也是利 , 但一定要因势利导 , 不能鲁莽 。(红杏枝满春 , 白云空万年)
Men's life is in the , and theisto have ato fall in love.
years meet empty death. Allare empty, the old and the young are empty, and the fate of the new year is lost.are high, there are many , gold andare empty in front of you, fate hasandgo away with empty life, fate hasare , the fiveareand empty is , and theandareof empty and empty. Thefire burns with water.
Theyears are inwith the . This year, the oldat home or otherhavewith their . (Some are happy, some are , and themust also judge by other , such as , etc.)
meets theof . This year, I have ato seek . I am tired offor money, and I have towomen from.
to takeand kill: bad luck. Scope: , ,, , , poorwith ,andcan be , but hard work is done, andisfor women.
theThai male is , thePangis happy, theandwill come at the same time, and the bad luck will come.
29、1977 (Ding Si):
"Poke theaway forof miles and jump out of theMoon", this year is like aout of the net,to the old andthe new. Keep your faith and you will be .
Men's life is in the , and theisto have ato fall in love.
years meet empty death. Allare empty, the old and the young are empty, and the fate of the new year is lost.are high, there are many , gold andare empty in front of you, fate hasandgo away with empty life, fate hasare , the fiveareand empty is , and theandareof empty and empty. Thefire burns with water.
Frail and , this year has ato seek , is tired offor money, and has towomen from.
in theyearsonly : big . Scope: , hard work, ,, ,, and.
The fate of theis bad luck, right and wrong come up for no , do not sit at homedoors, do notfromand fear .
Fiveandmakein the dark,at night will bewhen they meet,bewhen they meet in the , and they will beby bad luck andinyears.
30、1978 (Wuwu):
"Don't bewhen you're lucky, don't ask for it, today is ." This year, there are many , manyareout of , there are, and there are many .
peachin theyears, there are manywith thesex in this year, and the way ofwith thesexbetothey occur.
The God ofkills, leads the star, works , and has aor job .
The ,Years, and Fourthe Sanhe. Theis weak. This year, there are moreto seek money than usual, but it is also prone towaste,, and. Andthe way ofmoney, so as not to get .
Seven kills in theyear: the great . Scope: , , , , , , weak ., lostfor money,by money. A man's life isby a woman or his wife,.
Smalland luck do not take ,and, don'tin your ownand talkon your body.
31、1979 (not yet):
"Thegrass is still green in , and the plumare", this year has, with aandlove. (Or plan,goals, , and gain !)
The ,years, and fatewill be . This year, there will beorforor your . You need to pay moreto . (Awill not beif he is not , if he has a lot of; if ais , it will be a ,he will beby )
Theyear and the New Yearare inwith each other, and this year is prone toor , or other(for : , , ).
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