中国历史上著名的风水师,风水大师被称为迷信!( 七 )

So what is -?
As aof fact, those whose bones canthreeofmust know .
It's not thatto see , let alone.
It is byallthat Lao Tzuthe truth. So theasked us to check . Tois to study the truth of all , and to know how to be a man andthe world.
For , grass and trees are soft when they are alive, but hard when they die. The body is soft in life, and stiff in death. This is to say thatis aof , from which it can bethat being soft and notis theofand .
Manfrom aegg. There aregenes in every cell.
What I mean is that nowhere you look at a , it's all about that . You can see ityour bones, you can see ityour back, you can see ityour face, you can see ithis , you can see ithim It can be seenhis skin,his , andhisbox. Why did thetake the pulse and judge a 'sto the pulse of a ? This is. Aand all theandhim areandby his ownstate. If youthis , you can see it .
Toa 's , look at what thesays and does.
It doesn't mean thatat him,goodand doing good deeds, there will benow, but it isin theof words and deeds, which canhide the past, nor the , nor the . As long as youthe rules of , they are likesages, who have neverany , but they can tell each other .
I'm not dead, I've beentheI know for the first 30 years.
Since I was 12 years old, I knew where I was going to be in the , and I was very . Iofways to avoid doom, but I didn't avoid it onceI knew too(I'm not that old The good news is not likeandwhoearly). When I was a child, I tried toin the way Iit was,to.
When it comes toqi,will think ofmore . In fact,Qi is veryand . For , if you don't speakFeng Shui, you often helpgo , and your own air flow will beof this. For , anger and anger will block the air, so it istothe . For , only when theairinto the earth can carry all , so we must paytoother 'sand filth, so that we can carry , what willto? There will be .
In fact, these are all very . If you seethe , there will be no , and they are alldaily life. The sages said: go back to the .
What the worldisand ,they don'tit. Once youit, you will find that theandis in the most. The laws of theare,and vast.the big thing is big, the small thing inis theof the law.these, you canfrom the small to the big.
For , where did you learn about the ? Thein , and it isin the bigthat weand , but when it isin the small , it isevery day. Nohowtheis, it willbein the words and deeds of daily life (just like the same Dao, the sun, moon and stars run in the big place, and the ,and trees grow in the small ; the samelaw can be used totheof the stars in the big place, and the smallcan be used totheof the stars. can be used todaily ).
can be(, ) from the words and deeds of life
就像宇宙运行的数理化定律,也可以从地面某个小实验室里领悟出来,并且定律本身大都只有几行字,中小学生都学得懂(可以回想中学课本) 。
所以,真正懂了佛法,一定会从日常言行里映射出来,这就是领悟日月星辰宇宙定律,就是领悟无上无等等法 。
古人为什么知道星辰日月的运行计算?这并不是迷信的神神鬼鬼,这也是他们长期的观察明白了法则,好比物理数学上明白一些定律 。
如果一个人愿意去格物,观察万物的道理,就会判断过去、现在和未来 。但也仅仅限于判断 。
万物都是有样子的,甚至人写的字都有样子 。正是因为有这些不一样,所以他们成为有差别的个体 。如果能够洞悉其中每一点对应的是什么,自然可以顺藤摸瓜的看到过去、现在、未来 。
所谓道行,绝不是借鬼神外物 。真正的道行,是格物 。这两个字,才是精髓 。
考古学家根据化石的样子推风水老虎断过去,天文学家可以根据公式计算星辰的未来轨迹,上司可以根据你现在的工作业绩定现在的考核 。学物理的时候,学过粒子有一个初始态的话,那么粒子的运行轨迹就是既定的 。不管是智能生物,还是人造物品,或者天然存在的物品,只要选定一个初始状态,就可以知道它的这种状态会维持多长时间、轨迹如何 。所以,古人还可以推算一只碗、一个花瓶的结果 。

