
“偏旁部首”英语怎么说?汉字何时起源?共有多少个汉字?汉字除了中国还有哪些国家用过?这些你都知道吗?有没有想过用英语为外国朋友介绍中国博大精深的文化之一 -- 汉字呢?今天小编就教教大家 , 如何用英语介绍中国汉字 。
Is Chinese difficult to learn?
你可能经常听到这样的话:我想学汉语 , 但是汉字太难了 。
You may often hear people say: I want to learn Chinese, but Chinese characters are too difficult.
实际上 , 当你了解汉字之后会发现汉字并不难学 。与拼音文字大不相同 , 汉字具有它独特的规律 。
In fact, you will find it not so hard to learn after you get to know the Chinese characters. Different from alphabetical languages, the Chinese characters have its unique discipline.


汉字最早起源于图画 , 是人们对事物形象的描绘 , 也就是最初的象形文字 。
The Chinese characters, originated from pictures, were people’s depiction of things, or the original hieroglyphical characters.
汉字从起源到现在已经有几千年的历史了 。
Chinese characters have the history of several thousand years.
这是我们看到的最早的汉字 , 它们被写在龟甲以及兽骨上 。字形有大有小 , 笔道很细 。每个字都像是一幅小孩子的图画 。
These are the earliest Chinese characters we have seen which were written on tortoise shells and beast bones.There are big and small forms of characters with slender strokes.Every character is like a small kid’s drawing.
如果你接触过一些汉字 , 就会发现很多汉字都可以拆成不同的部分 。并且很多汉字中都有着相同的部分 , 它们被称作“偏旁” 。
Many Chinese characters can be taken apart into different parts.Plus, many Chinese characters share the same parts, which are called components or basic structural parts.
英文中26个字母可以随意组成一个单词 。
The 26 English letters may be formed into words freely.
汉字虽然没有字母 , 但是不同的偏旁也可以组成不同的汉字 。
Though Chinese characters have no letters, different structural parts may form different Chinese characters.
汉字中表示声音的偏旁约有1300个 , 表示意思的偏旁约有250个 。据统计 , 汉字有80%以上是由这种方法构成的 。
Among Chinese characters, there are 1,300 basic structural parts indicating different sounds and 250 indicating different meanings.According to statistics, over 80% characters are formed in this way.
到底有多少汉字 , 至今没有一个确切的统计 。只有从字典中寻找到大概的数字 。二十世纪已出版的《中华字海》中收录了汉字85000个 。
There has no exact statistics on the total number of Chinese characters.Only approximate figures can be found in dictionaries.85,000 Chinese characters have been included in Chinese Thesauruses published in the 20th century.
【如何用英语介绍中国汉字?】新动态国际英语根据学员水平专业定制个性化课程 , 让你拥有灵活的学习时间 , 不再抱怨时间不够;高效的小班教学为你提供浸泡式的英语学习环境;双语学习顾问全程贴身辅导 , 结合先进的学习追踪系统 , 保障你的学习成效 。

